Page 32 of One Pucking Time

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“I don’t—”

“Quit denying it, Bash. The entire world knows.”

I shook my head, thinking through every interaction I had ever had with her. “No. I’ve been so careful—”

“Aha! So you finally admit it. Other than her date with the hot shot hockey star, what’s stopping you?”

“What would Rob think?” I muttered.

“He would think it was a little weird, but I think he’d be happy.”

“It was a rhetorical question.”

“You know what? I’m not even fully sure I know what that means, but I’m telling you the truth.”

“No, you’re not.”

“You were his best friend.”

“Yeah. Someone he trusted to take care of his little sister. He’d be so mad I was—” I cut myself off. It was one thing to know all the ways I wanted to explore Em’s body. All the ways I wanted to show her I was in love with her. It was another thing to admit it out loud to Evan.

He wasn’t my first choice to talk to about anything, but he was Rob’s second closest friend and last night, I was convinced he’d be the perfect person to talk me out of my delusion.

I was apparently wrong.

“I don’t see it that way. Rob wouldn’t be mad that the person he trusted most in the world fell for someone he loved with his whole heart. He adored you. He adored Emily. If he knew the two of you were interested in each other, I think he’d be so happy.”

“That’s the thing. I have no idea if Em’s interested in me.”

Evan snorted and then pulled his face neutral. “You really don’t see it?”


“The way she looks at you? I’ve had to leave the room once or twice when I feel the tension between you two.”

“Reyes,” I warned.

He raised his brows and carried on, undeterred. “Or how about how you two still live together despite that being kind of weird?”

“It’s not weird. It makes a lot of sense—”

“Yeah, because you’ve convinced yourself it’s normal.”

“What do I do?”

“Tell her the truth. If she’s not interested—and that’s not possible—I’m sure she’ll understand. But if she’s interested? Man, you owe it to yourself to find out.”

“If she’s interested in Mac, how do I compete with that?”

“Mac Savage?” Evan let out a low whistle that made my stomach drop. “I don’t know, man. You should’ve faced these feelings a little sooner. Before Mac Savage showed up.”

I groaned and shoved the last bite of pancake in my mouth a little too hard. “I handed her over to the vipers.”

Evan patted my back in an uneven, hard cadence that set me on edge, and I remembered why he was the last person I came to for comfort. “It’ll all work out?”

“I don’t even know how to initiate this conversation. I waited too—”

My phone dinged with the specific sound I had set to alert me when I received a text from Em.

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