Page 30 of One Pucking Time

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“You were talking about Mac and mentioned Bash.”

I dropped my head in my hands and screamed quietly, frying my vocal cords. “What do I do?”

“Are you going to see Mac again?”

“I left it up to him if we have a second date, but I kind of implied it—”


“He asked if I wanted him to come in—since the house was dark—and I told him not this time, but maybe next time.”

Roxie squealed and grabbed my hand. “And what about Bash?”

“I don’t know what’s up with him. I guess I’ll cross that bridge after I talk to him—”

“Where’s my confident Em?”

“She left a long time ago.”

Roxie tsked and pushed me away from the mixer. “You are one of the most confident people I’ve ever met. Claim it!”

“But that’s what got me in trouble in the first place.”

“What is?”

“Speaking up about what I want. I mean, I barely knew Mac’s name and I was agreeing to a date with him.”

“So? Men like that. Women who go after what they want.”

I scoffed and grabbed my purse from the coat rack. “Hardly. Remember my string of exes that were falling all over themselves to tell me my faults—namely the one about me being too much?”

“Because you need two men…”


“Oh, this is so exciting,” she breathed.

“Hardly.” I smacked her, and my stomach sank. “I have to work with both of them on Monday.”

“Like I said, exciting.”

Chapter Twelve


“Thanks again for letting me crash here.”

Evan bit into his pancakes and shook his head. “No. Thank you.” He shoved another bite in his mouth, chipmunking it in his cheek. “I haven’t eaten this good in—” He chewed thoughtfully. “Since the last time you stayed over.”

I laughed off his comment and rinsed the spatula. “Where’s your spray cleaner?”

Evan put his hand to his hand to his chest and fanned himself—while holding a fork loaded with more pancake. “He cooks and he cleans. Be still my beating heart.”

I waved him off and rummaged under the sink. “No spray cleaner?”

He shrugged. “I just slosh some soapy water on the counter when it’s looking grimy.”

I rolled my eyes and made a mental note to drop off a basic cleaning kit the next time I was in the area. “You’re a mess, man.”

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