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I heard nothing at first, but just as I moved to knock, I heard movements.

Hmm, perhaps she went to use the bathroom? I didn't have much time to think about it when the movement stopped a couple of seconds later. Then I knocked.

Instantly, I realized Alicia didn't detail this part. Should I wait for a response or for her to open the door? Almost immediately, the door opened. There she was, clothed in a pink nightgown.

Blue eyes stared blankly at me before I smiled. “Good morning, Sophie. It's Evie, your new nanny.”

The thick silence that fell after made me think there was something wrong with my smile? Words?

Of course not. She wouldn't respond if she didn't feel like it. I opened my mouth to say something else when she turned her back and walked back to her bed. The door was still wide open, so it wasn't a no.

I entered. Her room was like any five-year-old’s. Any rich five-year-old’s. Colorful, big, filled with a lot of toys and shiny girly stuff.

“Your room is beautiful,” I smiled at her. I wasn't lying. The beautiful blend of deep pink and fuchsia screamed Barbie.

Still, her response was her knee tucked closely to her chest and the lower half of her face tucked between them. She was shy.

I continued. “I love the way your bed blends with your closet.” The bed was deep pink, and the closet at the right corner of the room was too. It blended perfectly with the fuchsia-colored rug and wall.

I watched her eyes briefly move to the closet before she settled them on me — my dress. I smiled. My best guess was she liked my dress too.

Slowly I inched closer toward the bed. “Do you think my dress is nice?”

Again, her head tucked even more between her knee and chest was my only response. At least it wasn't total silence, I could read her emotions.

Still with a smile, I spoke softly. “It's alright, Sophie. Let's get you ready for your bath.”

Slowly she stood up. Then walked towards me. The urge to hold her was strong, but no unnecessary physical contact. I couldn't forget.

She reached me and I started to help her undress. Truthfully, it was a bit weird interacting with a child who didn't reciprocate the interaction. This interaction right now was a bit weird, but I knew it would take some time to get used to it.

Thankfully, her body wasn't stiff, which meant she wasn't uncomfortable. Another good thing.

After undressing her, I found her pink towel in the closet, then wrapped it around her body before leading her to the bathroom.

I briefly thought of commenting on how I thought pink was her favorite color but decided against it. I had to give her a break.

Too much talk could pressure her into retracting into her shell. I didn't want that.

Slowly, I filled the pink bathtub, applied her lavender bodywash and made sure the warm water was the right temperature before urging her inside.

I noticed how her eyes seemed to be fixed on my dress as I found the soft, pink loafer. She must like colors very much.

After a few minutes, I was done with her bath and her hair. Then I proceeded to clothes.

“What color of clothes would you like to wear, Sophie?” I asked softly. When I didn't get a response, I knew I had to choose.

Her closet was filled with clothes of different colors, but I picked out a casual pink dress for her.

“I'll help you put this on now, Sophie.”

She said nothing but stared at me as I helped her with the dress. I packed her hair into a pigtail after, and she was ready for breakfast.

“It's time for your breakfast now, Sophie.” She paused and stared at me for a while. A really long while. When I thought the staring contest was enough, I lowered myself to her height.

“Do you want something?”

I briefly wondered if I'd missed any step, but I didn't think s—

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