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She wakes around 7 a.m. and even if she wakes before that time, I'm only allowed to visit at 7. So, her day starts at 7, after which I’d help with her morning routine of bathing, brushing her hair and other necessary stuff. Then she has breakfast.

After breakfast, she could watch cartoons if she felt like it, or play with her usual toys. Sometimes she might decide to just stare at the clock.

During the afternoon hours, after lunch, she reads or stares at her picture storybook and then proceeds to coloring her color book. Some other educational activities would also take place.

If she wants a snack at any time, she’ll signal or just say ‘snack’. The same applied if she wanted anything else.

In the evening, she had dinner and then went to bed between 6 and 8 p.m. The next day, the cycle repeated itself exactly in the same manner.

The only exception was when her father decided to take her to the park. Oh, and also, no unnecessary physical contact.

As I undressed, I began to wonder what exactly she witnessed for her to be this way. It happened when she was three, so it must have been something tragic— something big enough to traumatize a three-year-old. But what?

Indeed, just like Dad said I could ask Mr. Thorne himself, but… ugh. That’d mean I had to face him. I should. I mean, I would anyway.

Professionally, observation and in-depth conversation with Sophie’s family would be the first step towards assessing her strengths, challenges, and specific needs. So, the conversation with Mr. Thorne was inevitable.

But first, I needed to have my bath.

The bathroom was huge when I stepped inside. It was like our entire living room in Minnesota, which wasn't really large by any means.

Everything from the walls, shower, faucet, taps, and even the bathtub were made of gold. The accessories seemed to be even shinier than they were yesterday. And they reminded me of the fact that this man was loaded.

Really loaded. I mean, a golden bathroom?

Once I reminded myself that I had a target to hit, I stopped gawking and turned in the shower.

A small sigh escaped my lips as the warm water caressed my skin. From my hair, the warm liquid rolled down my back, my chest, and every other part of my body.

I knew it was probably all in my head but even the water running out of this gold shower felt different— soothing.

As it continued to drench my scalp and flow, I couldn't help but relax my shoulders. Only now did I realize how tense I was.

Releasing a small sigh, I settled on basking in the caress of the water. This…magic water eased my nerves and calmed my mind. I knew all water, regardless of its source, did this, but… today would be great.

I exited the bathroom once I was done and threw on the most colorful, casual dress I had. Shiny colors were a sure way to attract kids. So perhaps this dress had automatically reduced the chance of Sophie not liking me? Maybe not.

After pulling my hair into a sleek bun, I quickly glanced at the clock on the wall. It was four minutes to 7. Whew.

Bringing my eyes to the mirror, I smiled at my reflection. When I saw that my smile seemed too wide, I narrowed it. No, this was even worse. I looked like the Grinch.

Breathe, Evie.

Just then my heart picked that exact moment to start racing. Ugh. This was my first professional job, and I needed composure.

Perhaps the clock could help.

Almost immediately, I turned to the clock, counting the seconds backwards in my head. It took a few seconds, literally and figuratively, for my heartbeat to be steady.

When it was one minute to seven, I strapped my watch to my wrist. Then walked to the door. With a deep breath, I pushed it open and walked out.

Since Sophie's room was still in the east wing and just two rooms from mine, I took my time to walk.

She must begin her day at exactly seven o’clock.

When I reached her door, I raised my hand to knock before I quickly halted myself. Instead, I replaced my hand with my ear and gently pressed it against the door.

She could have routines only she knew, but if I knew it too, it could form a common ground that may foster our interaction.

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