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“She threatened to release the footage if I had company. I'll handle this myself.”

“You still have the cameras, sir?” He asked.

“Yes.” He’d given me a minuscule camera and recorder, which I attached to a buttonhole on my chest.

“I'll keep track and intervene when I sense danger.”


When I ended the call, I dialed Mother. She picked on the first ring.

“Evie and I have a few businesses to sort. I need you to take care of Sophie till we’re back.”

She replied positively and ended the call.

Digging my phone into the pocket of my pants, I turned to a tense looking Evie. With a stiff nod, I started to walk and she trailed behind me.

In no time, we were on our way to the location. It was probably her turf, and I was defenseless.

My knuckles turned white against the wheel. I glanced at her. “I'm sorry.” That was the only thing I could mutter at the distraught look in her eyes.

She clenched her fist but didn't say anything. The silence only grew thicker as we rode.

Approximately two hours later, we arrived at the place. It was on the outskirts of the city.

The place was deserted, with rustling scaffolding clawing at the sky. An abandoned train station.

Eerie silence carried by the wind rustled through my ears.

Taking slow steps, I walked through the crumbled concrete. It was the only way to go…

I turned to see Evie treading my path. She looked scared, I didn't like it. After a few minutes of walking on crunched gravel, we reached the heart of the ruin.

I instantly spotted her— Laura— amid a tattered scrap of fluttering papers.

“Well, well, well.” She took slow steps toward me. “I see you brought the secretary.”

I heard Evie’s small gasp when she stopped just at a distance from me. A cold breeze blew, lifting our hair as it did so.

Fuck. She looked so different from the last time I saw her. The couple of times she came to the house, she was nowhere near the figure that stood before me.

“You know why you're here, Ethan. The video.”

“Give the pictures up, Laura. Stop trying to dig into the past,” I clenched my fist.

She tilted her head with a scowl. “You killed Olivia. Don't you dare tell me to forget about that.”

The murderous glare in her eyes was enough conviction that she did believe it.

I clenched my fist and expelled much needed air.

I didn't know how this would end, but I hoped it wasn't a one for one. It wasn't my career… for Evie’s.



The figure before me looked familiar. I glanced between her and Ethan when it suddenly clicked.

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