Page 82 of Bryce

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“What about what I said?” He was slightly defensive, assuming she didn’t believe him.

“It was all the right things.”

“Samantha,” he began before taking a slow breath. “I meant every word. You don’t have to say anything back. I know it’s already been a long day, even though it’s barely lunchtime. I just want you to know how I feel.”

Samantha moved slowly, as if taking her coat off and hanging it up took every last bit of her strength. When she finally turned to look at him, it was exhaustion covering her features instead of sorrow.

“Why don’t you lie down and get some rest,” he suggested. “I’ll take out something to cook then join you. I’m exhausted, too.”

Without any argument, she turned and headed up to his bedroom while he watched her go. All he could do was hope that she had changed her mind about not being together. Of all the things that were going on, that’s what hurt him the most. The idea of not being with her. Not seeing her. Not talking to her.

There was something about waking up after making the right decision. Samantha had no idea how long she’d been asleep, but she woke up feeling good. Finally. Bryce had an arm draped around her, but the blankets covering her served as a barrier between them. Even with the barrier, the warmth of his body surrounding hers chased away what unease remained inside.

“Hey,” he whispered beside her.

With a subtle smile on her face, she turned toward him. He looked as though he, too, had just woken up. His eyes were hopeful below his creased forehead. Without thinking, she reached up and brushed her fingertips across the lines on his forehead.

“You’re frowning,” she pointed out.

“Am I?” he asked. “I guess I’m just worried about you.”

“You don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine. I know I made the right decision. I knew that before I ran into you.”

“When I ran into you, you were falling apart,” he pointed out.

“Because I felt like I had betrayed myself, and you, for even being in there. You were right. Brandon’s life meant something, and I felt like shit for not even considering that. I came so close to making a decision that I didn’t really want because I was too busy being angry and feeling sorry for myself to realize what I did want. I’ve wanted a baby for so long, and I was ready to throw away what could be my only chance. That’s why I was crying.”

Bryce didn’t speak. He was silent as he traced small circles up and down her arm with his fingertips. His gentle touches did wonders to soothe her. She snuggled into him and relaxed while enjoying just being near him.

“So, you’re feeling better?” he finally asked.

“Yes.” His arms were wrapped around her, and she covered them with hers.

“And what you said about us not being together?” he asked, his voice laced with anxiety.

Turning over, she studied his face. His stony expression would have intimidated her if she didn’t know him. She knew he would never hurt her or put her in a position where she could be hurt. She trusted him.

“Do you even want me?” she asked, knowing she wasn’t worth the fight or the drama.

“Do I want you?” he asked incredulously. “You are all that I want.”

The raw honesty in his voice and expression took her breath away. She had told him she was done crying, but if he continued to say things like that, she would have to go back on her word.

“What?” he asked once she had stared at him for too long.

So many thoughts and emotions ran through her that she didn’t know where to start. What could she tell him? When words failed her, she pulled him into a kiss, her mouth eager to feel the touch of his. He kissed her back, holding her face as he deepened the kiss. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him close. Feeling his body pressed against hers was exactly what she needed to rebuild the broken pieces of her soul.

“So does this mean you want me, too?” he asked when he finally broke their contact.

“You are all that I want,” she said, repeating his words back to him.

Without warning, he pulled the blankets off of her and crawled down her body, stopping when he was at eye level with her stomach. “I lied. There’s more than one thing that I want.” He kissed her stomach.

“Oh my god,” she choked out as the tears she promised were gone began to stream down her face once again.

“I prefer Bryce,” he teased.

Even as she laughed, she continued wiping away her tears. “I said I was done crying. I swear that’s all I do anymore.”

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