Page 8 of Bryce

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He looked up to find a petite redhead wearing black scrubs. She reached out a hand once he met her gaze.

“Stephanie Miller. Please come with me,” she said before turning on a heel and heading down a hallway.

Bryce didn’t bother to ask her any questions. He knew someone would tell him everything soon enough. He silently followed as she turned down a few different hallways until she stopped at a room labeled “Family Room.” Another bad sign.

“Please have a seat, and the doctor will be in to speak with you shortly. I’ll go let him know you’re here,” Stephanie said with a gesture toward a section of chairs.

“Wait,” Bryce said and waited for her to turn around. “Did you get in contact with his wife?”

“No, we’re still trying. We couldn’t leave a voice mail because her mailbox is full, but I’ll keep trying. There’s a patrol car outside of her building in case she makes it home before we reach her by phone.”

“Wow. Okay. That’s not a good sign,” he said mostly to himself.

“The doctor will be out to speak to you,” she replied before rushing from the room.

Bryce didn’t consider himself a nervous person, but he couldn’t stop pacing once he arrived at the hospital. He was too wound up to sit down. Being at the hospital felt wrong. He didn’t belong there and felt like an imposter sitting in the room where so many people received devastating news about their loved ones; where families waited anxiously while doctors and nurses did everything they could to save a life.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. In walked two men wearing white coats over their blue scrubs. The first man was tall with salt and pepper hair and a kind smile. The other one was young and looked terrified. He figured him for a med student.

“Mr. Tate?” the older one greeted as he reached out a hand. “I’m Dr. Kimball. This is Dr. Carter.”

Bryce shook their hands. “I’m assuming my brother didn’t make it.”

“Your brother was involved in a very serious car accident. There was extensive damage to the vehicle, and he was unconscious when the paramedics arrived,” Dr. Kimball began.

“Wait,” Bryce interrupted. “His wife isn’t here. Maybe we should wait for her.”

“Are you two close?” the doctor asked.

“Actually, I’ve never met her. I just feel like I shouldn’t even be here. Isn’t she next of kin?”

Dr. Kimball sat down in a chair and motioned for Bryce to sit in one of the seats across from him. “If you want me to wait for her I can, but you are listed as his emergency contact along with his wife. You are both immediate family members, so you have every right to be here.”

“Okay,” Bryce said before he hesitated for several long moments. “You were saying? Bad accident?”

“Your brother was involved in a very serious car accident. He was found unconscious at the scene and was in critical condition when the paramedics brought him in. His injuries were catastrophic. We worked on him and exhausted all our resources but, despite our best efforts, your brother died. I’m very sorry,” Dr. Kimball explained while holding Bryce’s gaze.

Even though he had been expecting the news, Bryce’s heart dropped upon hearing the doctor’s words and everything around him seemed to slow down including the doctors’ movements and speech. His brother was dead. He hadn’t spoken to him in ten years, but death was final. His heart immediately broke for the wife he’d never met.

“Would you like to see him?” the doctor offered.

“No. Not before his wife sees him. Have you guys reached her yet? She needs to know.”

“She should be on her way. We finally got her on the phone a few minutes ago. Will you be waiting for her?” he asked.

Bryce knew he had no choice. He had never met the woman, but he couldn’t leave her to face the devastating news all alone. If she arrived with a friend, then he would slip away. He was certain the funeral arrangements would be in the newspaper and all over the television.

“Yes. I’ll be here,” Bryce finally answered.

The doctors gave a quick nod before walking out of the room. Bryce returned to his new hobby of pacing the floor as he began to wonder what his brother’s widow was like. He hoped his brother at least treated her better than he treated other people. Was she the whole package, or did she just look good on Brandon’s arm?

While he remained lost in his thoughts, an attractive woman walked in and took a seat on the far side of the room. She had rich brown skin and wore her hair in long box braids. She was a natural beauty. Clutching her bag close, she focused on a section of the floor just in front of her feet. The set of her shoulders radiated anxiety.

“Mrs. Tate?” he asked hesitantly when he couldn’t recall ever hearing her first name.

She looked up from the spot on the floor and met his gaze. Several emotions flickered across her face before she acknowledged that he had spoken to her. Her honey-brown gaze held his.

“I’m sorry, have we met?”

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