Page 43 of Bryce

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The drive was a peaceful one. Leaving in the evening meant she avoided most of the traffic. It was also easier to drive to a beach town during the off-season. The winter season meant daylight was in short supply. She would have liked to enjoy the view as she drove, but the most that could be seen were shadows along the roadway.

After exiting the highway and starting down the local roads, the streetlights spread out and the city lights began to disappear. Stars shined bright in the bluish-purple of the night sky. Even without seeing landmarks, she could feel the nearness of the beach. Following the GPS instructions, she pulled down a narrow road that led to a group of townhouses.

“This is it,” she mumbled to herself as she pulled into the driveway.

The windows were dark, and she once again second-guessed her decision. Who would drive three hours to see someone who wasn’t expecting them? A stalker. That’s who.

A light turned on in the back of the house moments before the front door opened.


Bryce stood in the doorway. He wore a pair of dark sweatpants, and his mussed hair made it clear he had been in bed.

“Hi,” she breathed, readjusting her bag on her shoulder.

Bryce looked at her for a moment before he scrubbed a hand down his face and stepped to the side. “Come inside.”

She stepped past him and into the house, dropping her bag by the door. “I missed you. Another week felt too far away.”

He closed the door behind her. While she stared at his back, every doubt she had screamed louder and louder. Of all her quirks and idiosyncrasies, showing up at his place three hours away would be the thing to scare him off. She stepped out of her boots before busying herself with Asher, who was no longer barking but standing at her feet wagging his tail.

“Come here.”

Looking up, she found Bryce looking down at her with his hand outstretched. As soon as she accepted it, he pulled her up and wrapped his arms around her. She melted into him, feeling the warmth of his body through her thick sweatshirt.

“You aren’t upset?” she asked.

He stepped back to look at her. “Why would I be upset?”

“Because I showed up here like a crazy person. It’s not what it looks like,” she explained. “I just missed you.”

“Then I guess it’s exactly what it looks like. And I’m glad you’re here because I missed you, too. Let’s go to bed.”

Without another word, he led her to the bedroom, only stopping when they reached the bed.

“Arms up,” he ordered.

Her heart rate picked up speed as she raised her arms and waited. Bryce grabbed the hem of her sweatshirt and pulled it over her head, leaving her standing in a tank top and leggings.

He peeled the blankets back on the side of the bed that hadn’t been slept in. “Sit.”

Without hesitating, she sat on the bed. When he tapped her hip, she shifted her weight so he could pull her leggings off and toss them to the floor. Holding the blanket up, he waited for her to swing her legs around and lie down. He covered her up before going around to the other side of the bed and joining her.

“No rehearsal tomorrow?” he asked, finally breaking the silence after pulling her flush against his body.

She was wrapped securely in his arms, and she absently stroked his warm skin. “No. We made good progress this week, so they gave us tomorrow off.”

“I’m glad you came down.” His voice was gravely and heavy with sleep. “I haven’t slept for shit since I’ve been here.”

“Same. Which makes no sense since I’ve been in my own bed, and we mostly sleep apart anyway. I think it’s knowing you’re so far away.”

He held her tighter and placed a kiss on her neck, just below her ear. His warm breath tickled, sending goosebumps across her flesh. Somehow, she managed to move closer to him still.

“You don’t mind if we just get some sleep, do you?”

“Bryce. That sounds absolutely amazing. You already know I’ve been tired, anyway. That long drive took what little energy I had.”

He repositioned his arms around her before speaking softly against her neck. “Close your eyes.”

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