Page 28 of Bryce

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Samantha had to laugh. Once her thoughts began to spiral, she had a hard time remembering that no one had gone down the rabbit hole with her. Sometimes the beginning is quite a ways from where her mind ended up.

“Sorry. I think I have feelings for Bryce,” she blurted before clamping her hand over her mouth.

“Oh,” Meka said in surprise. “Okay. So, what are you thinking you’re imagining?”

Samantha leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. “It seems like he feels the same way. But I could just be crazy.”

After a few quiet moments, Samantha began telling Meka everything. She started with the drunken night following the funeral. She described how careful he was to stay on his side of the bed after refusing to let her stumble home after they’d spent most of the night playing drinking games. She even included stupidly asking if anything had happened between them and how offended he was.

“He seems like a good one. It’s hard to say if his feelings are more than platonic, but he definitely cares about you.”

“There’s more,” Samantha said before taking a deep breath.

Meka watched her closely as Samantha finally got to the part that had been keeping her up at night. “I texted both you and Rayelle as soon as I found out I got the part. Rayelle invited me down to celebrate and get away for a bit before rehearsals start. She invited Bryce, which was good because we needed to clear the air after I had been an awkward mess. Everything was going fine until a dog fell through the ice and Bryce jumped in to save him.”

Meka sat down in the other reading chair beside Samantha. “He did what?”

“You heard me. It was so cold. He was cold, shivering, and confused. I was so scared. I got him back to the house and into a warm bath. I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared in my life,” she explained. “And while I was in the tub trying to get him warm, we ended up kissing. And I don’t mean a quick kiss. It was an all-consuming kiss. It was the kind of kiss that changes everything.”

“It sounds like you have your answer.”

Samantha sat forward in the chair. “It was a moment of stress. People do all sorts of things when adrenaline is wearing off. How clingy and pathetic am I to think it actually meant something when it was just a moment of weakness?”

“Did you kiss him and run? Or were you around him after?”

Samantha thought about the time they spent together once his life was no longer in danger. He didn’t run away and avoid her. When Rayelle asked him to stay after he had already been preparing to leave, Samantha was fully expecting the brush off. He not only stayed for dinner, but he hung around to watch a movie. Although they stayed on opposite ends of the couch, Bryce pulled her feet into his lap and absently caressed her feet as they watched the movie. Samantha couldn’t remember a time she felt more content.

“Girl,” Meka said after hearing all the details. “Green light. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. Hold on to that man. Tell me you have plans to see him again.”

The bells jingled as someone entered the store. Like clockwork, customers always showed up at the most inopportune times. Samantha hid her annoyance and jumped up to greet the customer.

“Welcome to Book Nook. Can I help you find something?”

“No. I’m just looking, thanks,” the woman responded.

Samantha gave Meka a quick eye roll before plastering on her customer service smile. “Well, children’s books are in the front, both nonfiction and literary fiction are located on the rest of the first floor, and true crime as well as some of our spicier reads are up in the loft. Let us know if you need any help.”

“Thanks,” the customer said as she made her way toward the stairs to the loft.

“Meka,” she whispered. “Tell me I’m being crazy. The dirt hasn’t even settled on Brandon’s grave. What kind of person moves on that fast?”

“The kind of person who hasn’t done anything wrong and is finally finding someone who will treat her the way she deserves to be treated.”

“Have any fantasy books?” the customer asked over the railing of the loft.

“Back wall!” Meka answered before turning her attention back to Samantha. “And back up. You got cast as Joanne in Rent! When is it my turn to celebrate with you?”

“We can go out tonight if you want. Rehearsals start tomorrow and go through Saturday this week. So, either tonight or Saturday night.”

“Tonight. I have a feeling that come Saturday you’ll be too tired to want to do anything. Where do you want to go? Drinks on me.”

“You don’t have to do that, you know. I want to hang out even if you aren’t buying. I’m still not used to being able to go out when I want without having to worry about consequences.”

“I know. But this is your last day here at the shop and you’re finally following your dream. At least let me get the first round.”

Samantha nodded in agreement. There were a lot of changes happening over a short period of time. She was glad it was happening all at once, so she didn’t have to dwell on her husband’s death. No matter what difficulties her marriage had faced, becoming a widow was a huge adjustment. But she deserved to continue to live her life.

“Okay. Let’s do J.R.’s at seven. That way I can get home and get everything ready for rehearsal first. I’m so nervous it doesn’t even make sense,” Samantha admitted. “A drink and appetizers. I’m not showing up hungover.”

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