Page 2 of Bryce

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“Goodnight,” he whispered before releasing her and returning his attention to the TV.

Shaken, Samantha made a quick retreat to her bedroom. She stepped out of her long flowing skirt and pulled her sweater up over her head. After slipping into a long sleep shirt, she climbed into bed. The best way to deal with Brandon when he was in that type of mood was to avoid him.

Fighting her sleep, she attempted to run through different ways to approach the topic of the audition. After six years of marriage, she knew Brandon wanted her on his arm for events for his image and not because he wanted to spend time with her. She pulled her sleep bonnet over her hair before rolling over. Hopefully, something would come to her while she slept, otherwise she would have to tell him she was going to the audition and face whatever reaction he threw at her.

The smell of bacon woke her up. She’d slept through Brandon joining her in the bed and unfortunately slept without coming up with a plan. Cooking was a sign that he was in a better mood. Even if he wasn’t, she had to talk to him. Meka was right. Brandon would never take her dream seriously if she didn’t.

“Good morning,” she sang as she walked to the coffee pot.

“Hey beautiful,” he replied with a smile.

Samantha studied him as she poured her coffee. He was dressed in a navy blue t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He was always most attractive when he was relaxed and not trying to impress anyone. The way he was when she first met him.

“You’re in a good mood,” she commented over the rim of her coffee cup.

His smile was contrite. “I’m sorry I was being a dick last night. I’ve just been so tired...”

“I understand.”

“I cooked breakfast. Sit down and eat. I haven’t seen you much this week,” he said, pulling out a chair for her.

She tried not to allow relief to overwhelm her. Skipping the benefit to go to an audition would be tricky no matter how good of a mood he was in. She would bring it up after breakfast. He joined her at the table with a large bowl filled with scrambled eggs and a serving plate of bacon and sausage with four pieces of buttered toast on one side.

“This looks delicious,” she said as she helped herself to a little bit of everything. “Thank you.”

“After I didn’t bother to eat the chili you went through the trouble of making, it’s the least I could do.”

Samantha smiled in acknowledgment as she added the last items to her plate. Looking up, she found him watching her closely. She struggled not to flinch when he reached for her hand across the table.

“Have anything planned for this week?” he asked casually.

Her fork fell from her hand before she could catch it. No longer having a choice, she would have to bring up the dreaded subject. She felt ridiculous for being so nervous.

“Actually, I have an audition Friday.”

“Friday is the benefit,” he reminded her.

“Yes. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it. It depends on how long the audition takes.”

He was silent, continuing to eat his breakfast without reacting to what she said. After several long moments, he met her gaze. “We’ll talk about it later. Right now, I just want to enjoy my breakfast.”

“Okay,” she said quietly, worried about what was to come.

They spent the rest of their breakfast in uncomfortable silence. Samantha tried to think of an angle that would smooth over her plan to miss the benefit. It would have been so much easier if he just supported her endeavors. It wasn’t his fault she had spent the beginning of their relationship completely comfortable with just going with the flow. She had made his goals her goals, so it was no wonder he wasn’t accustomed to putting her goals first.

“You’re looking cute this morning,” he said after a beat.

Surprised, Samantha looked up at him. She was still in her sleep shirt from the night before. The only thing she had done before leaving the bedroom was take off her bonnet. Even through her uncertainty, she felt herself melt from the compliment. Maybe all wasn’t lost. She would happily put up with that version of Brandon. The weariness and uncertainty began to fade into the background.

“You don’t look so bad yourself.”

He stood and cleared their plates. Samantha was left sitting at the table trying not to show her surprise. The last time she sat down to a meal at home that she hadn’t had to prepare or clean up after was so long ago she couldn’t remember it. When he returned to the room, he stopped behind her with his hands on her shoulders. A chill ran down her spine when he leaned close and trailed his nose along the curve of her neck, inhaling slowly.

“Did you enjoy your breakfast?” he asked.

“It was delicious. Thank you.”

His hands slid forward over her shoulders and slowly down past her collarbone. Closing her eyes, she sat as still as a statue. Things hadn’t been physical between them since they stopped trying to conceive. The months of doctor’s appointments and injections, only to end in negative pregnancy tests, really took a toll on their already rocky relationship. She had hoped a baby would bring them closer. In hindsight, it was a relief that things hadn’t worked out.

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