Page 44 of Insidious Obsession

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I read the card first.

Don’t leave loose ends, Ara.

Great another riddle to figure out, one I particularly don’t have the energy for after today.

I undo the ribbon and take the lid off. When I peer inside bile immediately rises to my throat, and I slam the lid shut. I barely make it to my kitchen sink in time as I vomit, unable to push away the gruesome image.

I hurl twice, closing my eyes and wishing what I saw was a fabrication from too many sleepless nights. The box is menacing as I stare at it, still unsure of my stomach. I’ve seen some fucked up shit but this…

A foot and hand have been perfectly placed in the chilled box. Splatters of blood coat them, and I can just imagine Luca keeping whoever these belong to alive through the whole thing.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and hit call.

After two rings he picks up.

“Did you miss me?” Luca purrs through the phone.

“Are you fucking crazy? Why the fuck would you send me this? Get rid of it. Now.”

He chuckles through the phone, and terror reverberates up my spine. Does he actually find this funny? The sick realization forces my stomach to drop. He enjoys it.

How is it possible for a man only nights ago to wash me and hold me until I fall asleep to twist into this vile creature… It was my mistake to not truly comprehend his depths in the first place.

“I put a lot of thought into that present,” he says matter-of-fact.

I can’t stop staring at the box. A question of who they belong to lingers on my lips, but I’m too scared to ask. I’ve never felt this bone deep terror. I was willing to die for my cause. Still am. This… This could be me.

“Who’s is it?” I ask, my voice barely audible.

Don’t leave loose ends Ara. What does that even mean?

“I found out about your previous two hits, Ara,” he says in a sing song type of way, as if he’s on a high. My blood runs cold. “Mr. Dalian was somewhat quick. I thought a foot might spice up the arrangement and present. But Timothy Lanser…”

Vomit begins to rise again. The chill in his tone is murderous.

Timothy had been an easy hit because he’d only cared about his ego and his dick. It was easy to get close, go through his things at night, and capture his moments by day with his little addiction and drug dealings. He’d become sloppy around me, and when the drug use and purchases was exposed after I’d anonymously tipped the police and the media it was a scandal. But he never deserved this.

“Did he touch you, Ara? Or should I say, Lisa Strutton?”

I’m leaning against the back of my door. Fuck! He knows about it all. Everything I’ve done to get where I am now. My heart is pounding, and I’m hanging on his every word.

“I took longer with him. It’s rather impressive that even until his death he had no idea Mr. Barone’s daughter who took his role was the same woman who had ruined him only weeks before. I must salute, Ara, I’m impressed. Let this be a reminder if another man dares touch what is mine there is consequence. Are there any other exes I should know about now? This is a safe space.”

“You’re crazy,” I breathe out.

He chuckles. “Well, I’ve been called worse. Also, regarding your father’s intentions of marrying you off, I also highly recommend you don’t.”

My heart stops. How does he even know about that?

“I’m not a patient man, Ara. You are mine in every sense of the word. I own you until I get bored of you, and I have no intention of letting you go any time soon.”

I can’t breathe. I’m in over my head. I’m trapped.

“I’ll have one of my men come and remove the present, but I must confess, I’m surprised. I thought you’d like it. Perhaps next time you’ll be more grateful when I send roses to you instead.”

“Why are you doing this to me?” I shakily ask. I’m rattled and I need to shake it. I can’t let him see how much this has gotten to me but this…this is unrequited terror.

“What do you mean? You broke into my home first, Ara, for reasons you still haven’t openly shared. Until you do, I’ll continue to display my acts of affection. Depending on your answer, I may be lenient in how I deal with you afterwards.”

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