Page 32 of Insidious Obsession

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The moment he sees me approaching, his smile diminishes somewhat. He whispers something into the girls’ ears, and they giggle before excusing themselves. The others don’t even need to be given warning as they evacuate the booth accordingly and I take satisfaction in their frantic expressions.

Four security guards however stay, uncertain looks crossing their features. Although they seemed surprised by my visit, Dmitri does not.

He grabs the bottle of whisky and pours a glass. I remove my mask, and Lorenzo follows suit.

I sniff at the offered whisky, surprised it doesn’t smell all that horrible.

“An unusual visit. I usually see more of your brother in these parts of town,” Dmitri says, referring to the small part of town I don’t own.

“Well, I suppose some of us have to work.” I offer a sharp smile. One he reciprocates. We size one another up in equal measure. I’m still not entirely sure what Dmitri’s involvement in all of this is. However, as of late anything that involves my little viper has all of my attention.

“To what do I owe the pleasure for the King of the Underworld to visit me personally?”

This is the flamboyant part of him I don’t like. Because I know it’s fake. I know something very dark lies beneath because I instinctually recognize it against my own. A threat. Not so much toward me now, but it could be one day.

“You went to my woman’s place of work and gave her a singular red rose,” I begin. The mere thought forcing a tick in my jaw.

His eyebrows shoot up. “My woman? Interesting choice of words. Does Ara know about this?”

I don’t like his familiarity with her, and I definitely don’t like her name coming from his lips. He smiles. “There’s no threat from me. Our relationship is purely business.”

I take a mouthful of the whisky. It does nothing to soothe my irrational fury. She’s nothing but my plaything. And yet, the thought of a man—in any capacity—approaching her has me seeing red. My violent tendencies arise within seconds. As I swallow, I try to push it back down.

“What kind of business is that?” I question.

“If you and Ara are so close, shouldn’t you be asking her that?”

Lorenzo pulls out his gun and points it at Dmitri’s head. His security does the same surrounding us. Dmitri looks at him pointedly, almost unfazed, and a smile spreads across his face. There he is…unmasked. “The lack of etiquette is outstanding. Coming into my place of business and pointing a gun in my direction because you can’t communicate with your woman.”

“Quite frankly, I don’t think many will care if I die. It will however raise suspicion from my father. He doesn’t care about me, but he would if an Italian boss made a knock against his family name—one I particularly wish I wasn’t burdened with. Actually, maybe my mother will miss me, but she likes everyone.”

I lean over and grab one of the untouched cigars. At least he has decent taste.

“Do you have a lighter?” I ask him. He slides a lighter over to me. I light the cigar and take an inhale, savoring its taste. My mind immediately goes to a certain little stalker who I’d much rather savor. I indicate for Lorenzo to lower his gun.

Four men with guns have us surrounded, but the commotion is very casual.

“It’s okay boys.” Dmitri offers a charming smile. “We’re just sizing up each other’s cocks, right?”

I counter his smile. It’s very rare I find someone who’s not afraid of me. Although I’m not impressed by four guns pointed in my direction, I am at his audacity. “It’s strange we haven’t been more acquainted before now.”

“I don’t think it’s strange at all. You know me by my fathers’ name and keep tabs on me. That’s all you need from me, isn’t that so? To make sure I don’t step out of place?”

Perceptive. “Need I remind you that you’re only allowed to run your business because I allow it?”

He casually shrugs. “This is why people can’t have nice things.” He takes a cigar himself and lights it. “Ara and I have a platonic business relationship. There’s a particular company I want partial ownership of, but it’s difficult with her father involved. So, I assist at times with wisdom and council as she manages the company to impress her father.”

It’s the truth, but something feels off. He’s not telling me everything. “It seems strange to me you have a partnership after her only being here for six months. I found her in my mansion only a few weeks ago trying to find something. Wig and all.”

I often refuse to divulge such information, but, at worst, if he’s honest about his dealings, he’ll stop seeing her. At best, he’ll tell me more.

He considers this. “I’ll make you a deal, Luca. I will give you a piece of information about Arabella Barone if you permit me to challenge your champion in your next fight in the ring.”

This does catch me by surprise as I try to see through to his real intention. I’ve heard he’s a good fighter, word of mouth gets around, but it makes no sense. Why does he want in my ring? Especially when my champion is renowned for snapping necks. If the fucker dies, what do I care? All I give a shit about currently is unfurling the mystery that is Ara.

I hold out my hand. “If I don’t find the information pleasing enough there’s no deal.” He grabs my hand and shakes it.

“Fair enough,” he says. Despite whatever his ulterior motives are, I’ll keep an eye on him anyway. If he can give me something valuable, this visit has served its purpose.

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