Page 21 of Insidious Obsession

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I could send my men to do it, but I’m inclined to do it myself. I rifle through her cupboards, taking note of the foods she likes. I pull out a packet of Twinkies and frown. Surely she doesn’t eat this crap. The numerous boxes behind the one I retrieved indicates she does. The woman has a sweet tooth.

One by one I throw the boxes of Twinkies out. She’ll thank me for it later.

Coffee. My lip involuntarily twists up at the American cup of joe and the multiple syrups and flavored sweeteners she has in the fridge. Despite her mother being Italian, she clings to this inadequate coffee palette. I close the cabinet. She should be scorned.

I look for other advantageous angles in the apartment to bug. I want cameras on Ara Barone at all times. I want to know what she’s doing, who she’s seeing and what she’s thinking at all times. If she even dares bring someone back to her apartment... Well, to put it simply, they won’t be seeing sunrise. Ara is mine to toy with until I squeeze answers out of her, and I’m not letting anyone get in the way of what I want.

My phone begins to ring, and I pull it out of my pocket as I make way to her bedroom. My screen lights up with Ivan’s name.

“It better be good news,” I say as I open her side table and discover a pistol. It’s the same model as the one in her kitchen. How cute. I hope I’m the reason she has this here.

“Boss, good news. I had them sign the contract.”

“As expected.” Not that I gave their family much of a choice. Either that or they entertain me by dancing with a noose.

I go to her walk-in wardrobe, impressed by some of the designs. I open her top drawer, and I can’t help the smile that spreads. Multiple colors of lacey lingerie. Then a bitter cold washes over me. Who has she worn these for? As far as I know she isn’t dating anyone. Even if she were, they would’ve been disposed of by me personally already, because I don’t like to share.

“Do you want me to come back to New York?” he asks expectantly.

Under all the devilish panties and a few toys my hand stops on a smooth surface. I pull out a photo. It’s of Ara and her mother. She looks to be no older than ten in this photo. Behind them looks to be a lake and her mother hugging her from behind. Both big smiles. I haven’t found any other photos of her family or friends in the apartment.

“No, Ivan. Stay in Italy for the time being. I’ll be staying here for a while.” I hang up the phone. Usually, I split my time and business between Italy and New York. When I leave for Italy, I have Ivan take care of things for me here. But this time I have something to truly terrorize.

Building my empire and destroying families has become repetitive. Almost easy. Now, somehow because a little stalker ended up in my web, I find myself curious. I could snuff the life out of her at any point. First, I want to discover what she wants with me.

I smirk at the thought of Alexander Barone’s expression last night. Terrorizing him through his daughter is just an added bonus.

I glide my hands over her jewelry favoring an elegant gold necklace with a cross pendant. The cross seems ironic, really. I can just imagine it against her bronze skin. It dangles over my fingers as I watch it lightly sway, and I decide to pocket it.

Ara may not fully comprehend it yet, but she is my property until I choose to dispose of her. I have no intention of letting her go until I cut her open and figure out that mischievous little mind.

My phone buzzes again. This time it’s a message from Lorenzo.

Dmitri Volkov paid a visit to Arabella Barone’s office today.

Interesting. So, they do know each other.

I walk down the hallway and enter in the code one of my hackers accessed to her dirty little secret room. When it opens and I switch on the light, I’m impressed she hasn’t hurriedly tried to hide any of it. It’s the same as when I entered last time, which means she either doesn’t care if she’s caught by the police or she doesn’t think I will report her. Granted, she probably has all of this on multiple files and in locations elsewhere. She’s a smart girl who knows my influence surpasses any authority figure. She’s fully aware that she is truly gambling with her life.

I pick up the first photo. It’s of Ivan holding the door open for me. I find a black felt tip pen as I admire the pins and strings on the wall. A photo of my brother is up on the wall as well. I pluck it from the wall, considering the first night I met her. She went with him to his room to be a part of one of his orgies. My temple jumps. If he had touched her, I’d be tempted to break every bone in his body.

And if he fucked her…

I take a seat at the edge of the table and begin to draw over his face. A moustache, large, curly hair—until I put a big X through his face. I look at the wall and all the excess photos. I’m quick to pluck off and cross all other men in the photos out, too. I’m the only one she has to worry about. The only one she’ll be dealing with.

This sickly-sweet obsession of hers will have consequences.



My hand freezes as I swipe my gold card to access my apartment, and the moment I open the door, I hear Frank Sinatra playing.

Mother fucker.

I know it’s him immediately. What I don’t know is if he’s still in the apartment. I never thought my stalking tendencies would be found out, but then to also have the person in question reverse the antics on me? I never dreamed of it.

I roll my shoulders back, regaining my steel-like demeanor. I will not let him rattle me, and besides, I already decided I’m going to switch my tactic and show willingness toward Luca—even if only to learn more so I can shake him.

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