Page 20 of Insidious Obsession

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Liam edges the door open. “You have an unscheduled guest who is very adamant to see you.”

The blood drains from my face. I swear to god. If it’s Luca, I’m going to throw this chair at him. I can’t handle him encroaching on everything I do. My work is my space.

Dmitri barges past Liam with charming intent. I feel somewhat relieved it’s only him. However, on the contrary, our association should be left at a minimum. This is the first time he’s ever visited my office. It was a risky meeting.

“Thank you, Liam. You can go now.”

My gaze narrows on the singular red rose Dmitri holds. I disregard it, looking back at the stack of the papers. I stand up and throw my recent one on top of it.

“I thought we would keep our association to a minimum,” I say, all business as I offer him the seat across from me.

“Aren’t you going to offer me a handshake or even a coffee?” Dmitri asks with a charming smile.

“You won’t be here long enough for that.”

A charismatic chuckle escapes him as he places the rose on the edge of the marble desk before taking a seat. Dmitri is as attractive as the tabloids say. His charisma in person earning him every bit of the playboy title he’s associated with. Unfortunately for him, that shit doesn’t work on me. I cross my arms. I just can’t sit. I feel restless, and it’s not something I am familiar with.

“The rose is for you by the way,” he adds as he adjusts his suit jacket.

“I don’t need it.”

He only laughs at my reply.

“Why are you here, Dmitri?”

“I could ask the same of you. When I offered you the intel six months ago, I didn’t think you’d go so deep to get so close to your target. Luca is problematic to the equation.”

“You think I don’t know that?” I hiss as I bite at the tip of my nail. In front of most, I’m the pristine image of calm calculation. This is different. Not that I undeniably trust Dmitri, but this sudden change in momentum and plans is infuriating. “After I’d been caught by Luca in the mansion, he broke into my apartment and found everything. Well, most of it anyway.”

Dmitri arches an eyebrow, but he doesn’t seem all that surprised. “I warned you to be careful around the Armani household. Especially Luca. He has a nose like a hound and a bloody reputation for those who see past the glitz and glam of his legal businesses. So knowing you have all of this on him, he simply let you live?”

I shrug my shoulders. “It appears so.” I slip into the seat. “But I don’t know why.”

“You’re not pulling back?”

I level him with a deadly glare. Pulling back was never an option. Either I see this through, or I meet my maker.

A haunting, dark chuckle escapes Dmitri. “For someone who looks so beautiful, Ara, revenge consumes your gaze. You’re a smart woman. Beautiful. Well educated. You could have almost anything in this world. Did you ever think, perhaps, this wasn’t worth it?”

“I could say the same to you. We might be after different things, but our drive is no different,” I bite back.

He plays with the red rose now, plucking a petal. “Cut from the same cloth, I suppose.”

“Are your ambitions to destroy your father really worth the fall if you fail?” I counter, antagonizing the side of Dmitri very few see. An ugly smile appears. Dmitri has never outright confessed his motives, but I suspect his father has some part to play in it.

“It’s not just my father I’m out to destroy. I have something to gain as well.” He flicks the rose back and forth, admiring it. “I will do anything to achieve it. That depends on our agreement and you being able to provide what we agreed to. Do you need my help with the Armanis’?”

“No,” I flat out say. I’m surprised by my own stubbornness. Even with a gun to my head, in the way of Luca Armani playing with me like a toy. I refuse to do this any other way then I intended. “His death will be by my hands alone.”

Dmitri plucks a second rose petal and then puts it back down. “Very well. However, if you need my help, you know how to reach me.” He pauses and adds, “If you survive that long.” He stands up and adjusts his suit jacket. “I don’t know why Luca is permitting you to live after discovering your dirty little secret but I have one piece of advice. You need to switch tactics. Fast. Luca grows bored of toys quickly. He is a killer, and you will be no exception. Get the job done.”



Iflick through Ara’s collection of old records in her living room. It’s an interesting collection. I take the top one and place it on the old record player. Frank Sinatra begins to play. Interesting choice.

The usually grumpy cat, Tuna, strolls past me, casually rubbing himself against me. I’ve never much liked animals but I suppose I could permit it considering how accommodating he’s been so far. Ara often doesn’t return home until after eight, which gives me most of the afternoon to search through her belongings.

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