Page 18 of Insidious Obsession

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“Tonight, you tried to steal from me. A week after someone had successfully done so. In a place only a handful of people knew about. You intercepted it before transition took root and so it leaves me to wonder…are you a fucking idiot?” It’s too obvious as we look for the mastermind behind the first amount of goods being stolen. They weren’t far, and my hounds dealt with them, and the men and business carried on as usual— only a few days late. However this impacts my reputation, and I will not have anyone thinking they can fuck with me.

Snot bubbles from his nose as he tries to shake through his fury and pain. I laugh at him, although it’s lacking any humor.

“Did you not think it strange no one was guarding it? You were told it would be unsupervised, weren’t you?”

He hisses, spit flying out of his mouth. He might be an idiot, but at least there’s something resembling loyalty there. Or as is, he is more scared of the person who put him up to it than me.

I only trust a few limited partners to do business with, especially when it comes to the transition of goods. It narrows down the list but not enough for me to start a war. Yet.

“I wonder how it will feel when I slam my next blade into your remaining ball.”

The man’s eyes grow wide at my threat. “I mean, you lost the other one when you were ten in a car accident, right? I wonder if your lovely wife knows anything about the incident you’ve involved yourself with. Perhaps we need to make a visit tonight.”

“Wait!” he screams. “She has nothing to do with this.”

I have no doubt. But the easiest way to most men is with something that holds value. The stifling notion of love. Even when greeted by death, he’ll beg and plead for her safety. And I’ll get my answers right before I slit his throat.

“He wore a white mask!” the man exclaims. “Just like them.” He makes a point to try and look over his shoulder. My red-gemmed hound is staring in my direction. Interesting. There are only five who are positioned to wear the white masks. They are my messengers in the most brutal sense. But it could also be something to mimic were someone bold enough.

Not only do I have a traitor, but they’re posing as my most trusted men. Whoever is behind this knows the inner workings of my men well. And that pisses me off.

Masks means he can’t give me any distinguishing features. The second man beside him begins to groan as he stirs back to life and lightens my mood if only slightly.

Time’s up. If I can’t get a clear answer from this first man, I’ll shift my unyielding attention to the second. I fling the second blade across the room, hitting dead center in the man’s chest.

“Wai—” he gurgles out, and I watch the life leave his shocked gaze as his head drops. It’s just in time for his friend to wake up and scream.

Lorenzo leans into me. “Do you really think the girl, Miss Barone, has something to do with this?”

I notice a tic in my jaw. Ara is off limits. Not that I think she’s associated with this string of events knowingly, but I can’t rule anything out either, which is why it’s easier keeping my little stalker close. I don’t like Lorenzo inserting himself into the inspection either. “I’ll deal with her privately.”



“Ican’t believe you didn’t think we would find out,” Lily says, exasperated. I’ve only just sat down as I shake my lightweight coat off. The weather still hasn’t let up since last night. I can’t cancel early breakfast a second time.

“What are you talking about?” I ask Lily as I look over the menu. I look every time, but I know I’ll order the usual. We’re the few customers who make it so early in the morning but it’s the only time we could all agree on before everyone begins their day. I wave down the barista, and she immediately knows my coffee order. I never have breakfast, only the necessary need and hit of fresh caffeine.

“Not what but who!” Romi exclaims. She’s cut her dark red hair since I saw her last and is currently wearing a loose shirt that says fully meditated. She’s a little hot and bothered from coming straight from her yoga class.

“Shit, I’m sorry I’m late,” Sienna exclaims from the door as she receives a few unappreciative glances. Despite the rain, her blonde curls don’t have a stray strand. Coming in at six feet, it’s no surprise she’s on the cover of most fashion magazines. “What’s this shit I hear about you dating Luca Armani?”

The girls are staring at me expectantly, and then I suddenly realize…

“Yeah!” Lily says a little too giddily. She pulls out her phone and after a few taps shows me the screen. There’s a photo of Luca with his hand on my lower back.


“I thought only your father went to those type of events?” Lily asks. Similar to me, she’s exempt to a certain reach in the social circles—this being one of them.

“Trust me, it’s not as eventful as you think.”

“That is totally not what we’re getting at here. When did you and Luca start sharing the same air? Let alone bodily fluids…”

“Eww!” Lily giggles.

The barista interrupts, and the table goes momentarily quiet. A light blush appears across Lily’s cheeks.

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