Page 15 of Insidious Obsession

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He chuckles dismissively and I look away barely able to keep a calm composure. Will I actually have to pretend to tolerate this man all evening?

I look up into the grand chandelier center of the room. The banquet he’s brought me to is none other than an exclusive dinner with twelve of the wealthiest men in New York. It’s nothing but a pissing party, hidden behind the agenda of old friends catching up.

My father attends it every quarter. I try to avoid most events he attends. But this… This is his domain.

“Luca!” a well-rounded man calls as he approaches us. It’s Jeremey Litton, the CEO of one of the biggest accounting firms in America. He’s specifically fond of Luca, who offers him his fair share of investments—both legal and not. “It’s good to see you. I missed you at the last event.”

Luca provides a polite smile that never quite reaches his eyes. The woman at Jeremey’s side remains quiet and unapproachable, as expected of most of the women at this event. Not even my father brings his wife to these events. It’s often simply a showcase of what—or who—their money can buy. If their wives do attend, it is to show off their new jewelry or what car they are currently driving.

I may avoid attending events such as these but I sure as hell make it my mission to know their ins and outs.

“Yes, well I’ve had a lot of dealings back home in Italy as of late,” Luca charms.

“Well, we hope you’ll be around a little longer this time.”

Luca’s gaze meets mine, as if silently introducing me into the conversation. “Well, I have a reason to stay a little longer now.”

I feel the blood drain from my face. To anyone else it might look like a declaration of love. However, I know better.

Jeremey seems unsure of what to say until he offers his hand out to me. “Lovely to meet you. We have a fundraiser coming up, and we’d love to have you there, Luca.” His attention redirects to him as he shakes my hand.

Dickhead. Can’t even bother with asking for a name. Especially considering my father is most likely attending the very same event.

“I’ll consider it. Now, if you don’t mind,” Luca says, placing his hand on my lower back. A chill runs down my spine as he directs me. A waitress offers us both a glass of champagne. I take it without hesitation. Fuck. I’m tempted to find the kitchen and down the bottle.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I ask with a tight smile. What game is he playing parading me here? The only one who will care about my attendance is my father. What does Luca Armani have against my father? Or did he do this just because he feels like he fucking can?

“Whatever do you mean, sweetheart?” Luca says endearingly with a smile that never reaches his eyes. The prick is enjoying this.

I exhale and take a sip as we walk up the stairs. “I’ve noticed you have less bodyguards than usual today. Don’t see me as a threat?”

He scoffs. “You’d be less trouble than swatting away a butterfly. Besides, you of all people should know I don’t often take bodyguards to these events.”

“When will Ivan be returning from Italy?” I ask about his second in charge.

His gaze narrows on me as we come to a stop on the stairs. “Don’t you know it’s rude to ask about another man in my presence?”

“More so wondering when you’re returning to Italy. I somewhat prefer when Ivan’s in town.”

His finger is on my chin directing my attention back onto him. “I’m not leaving any time soon, my little stalker. Not until I’ve used you to the fullest.”

A cold dread runs through me. “I thought you said I was the obsessed one?” Is all I manage to say.

“Arabella?” Dmitri’s voice cuts through. I break away from Luca. Dmitri’s timing couldn’t be more perfect and inconvenient at the same time. I don’t want anyone thinking much of our association. Especially Luca of all people questioning what type of association I have with Dmitri. It’s also unsurprising we know each other considering the same type of members run in the same groups. “And Luca?” He seems taken aback. “I never thought I’d see you two at an event together.”

I briefly glance in Luca’s direction. By the way he’s speaking so casually to him, it’s obvious they know one another.

“Is it so surprising to see me with a female companion?” Luca asks, sounding almost bored.

“Not at all.” Dmitri shrugs and holds up a glass of whisky as he takes a sip, assessing us. “I’ve just never seen it.” A pretty brunette escorts him but remains silent. My understanding of Dmitri is he has a different woman every second week. I wonder how much of it is for show. Playing the persona of a playboy. Because I’ve seen the more calculating edge beneath his mask. He has more skeletons in the closet then most.

“Arabella?” My father’s voice cuts through the two men I’m standing between.

Luca presses a hand to my lower back. His claim obvious and not missed by Dmitri, who’s eyebrows furrow. I wonder if he thinks I’ve double-crossed him. Not that our business has ever been like that. I’ve helped him with an issue in the past, and he’s directed me on my course so I can discover the final answer to the mystery from fourteen years ago.

My resolve hardens when I think about being the twelve-year-old girl locked in a home with a murderous psycho with eyes as dark as night wearing a mask. A man ready to take my life after he’d only just taken my mother’s.

“Father,” I say with a smile and an arrogance that I absolutely belong here.

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