Page 52 of Hell Over Heels

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Sneak into Heaven—check. Go undercover and work on nefarious agenda—check. Bonus: seduce unsuspecting angel—double check.

Aziel’s groan as he hoisted himself up to sitting made my focus zero in on him again. Rage heating my blood, I summoned my sword—the sword he’d given to me—from the other cave, and with a yell of primal wrath, I swung for him.

I halted with the tip of my blade pressing into his chest, right above his heart. With his torso unprotected by his armor, the point sank into his skin a fraction of an inch, drawing blood. It ran down his chest in a bright red rivulet.

He sucked in a breath at the attack, his eyes flying open, that swirling silver so fucking familiar, a hated reminder of all those times he’d gazed upon me with feigned affection.

The love I’d believed in was nothing but smoke and mirrors.

“I trusted you!” I bit out, tears blurring my vision. I furiously blinked them away. “I trusted you, and you lied to me. You deceived me. I gave you my love, and you fucking lied to me!”

My tears spilled over, hot and damning.

His lips parted, those storm-swept eyes of his softening. “You’re still an angry crier.”

I frowned, confusion mixing with the rage inside me. I’d never shed tears of anger in front of him before. How the fuck would he know this about me?

I gritted my teeth and chased that question away. “And you,” I snarled, pushing my sword infinitesimally farther into his chest, “are a demon. My enemy. Did you enjoy playing me for a fool? Did you have a laugh every time I opened my heart further to you?”

“Chaya…” he said, his face so soft, his voice so gentle despite the threat of my blade against his chest.

My heart twisted, the pain exquisite and all-consuming. I couldn’t separate the demon I saw in front of me from the angel I’d fallen in love with, and yet every part of my conditioning screamed, Enemy! My angel nature, the core of me that was inextricably linked to this realm and the power of God, demanded that I subdue him to eliminate the threat.

By rights, I should have immediately stunned him and then notified the authorities so they could arrest him.

Yet my arms trembled as I grasped the hilt, hesitating, waiting. The light of the sunset sky caught on the ring on my left hand, the jewel glinting as my hands shook—the ring he’d given me with the promise of his love, words spoken with such devotion, such truth to them, that I’d felt it in my soul.

Had it been a lie? Or had any of it been true?

“You’re a fucking demon,” I ground out, torn inside, rage and heartbreak and confusion and the vaguest sense of knowing staying my hands. “You’re trespassing in Heaven in violation of the truce that was struck. Tell me why I shouldn’t shove my sword through your heart and hand you over to my superiors!” I pressed the blade just a little more into his skin. “Give me one good reason!”

His eyes were lit by silver flames as he caught my gaze and slowly, distinctly said, “You’re my wife.”


My eyes widened. My hands spasmed around the hilt. The sword trembled, more blood running down from the puncture point.

“What?” I whispered.

“You’re my wife,” he repeated, his voice gravel-torn rough.

I shook my head, my mind in shambles. “What are you talking about? If you mean this ring”—I flexed my left hand—“we never got married.” I bared my teeth. “That requires a ceremony and a sworn oath, not just some pretty words and a piece of jewelry.”

His throat worked as he swallowed, and despite myself, despite all the hurt and the bewilderment and the anger within me, a part of me wanted to press my face against his throat and breathe in his scent.


“Who’s Zoe?” I snapped.

“You are.”

His words stopped me cold.

“It’s your name,” he said softly. “Your human name, from your life before you were turned into an angel.”

All blood rushed from my face.

Feeling dizzy, I stared at him with wide eyes and a pounding heart, cold sweat making my hands clammy.

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