Page 47 of Hell Over Heels

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His dark lashes lowered over his eyes, half obscuring that thundercloud gray. When he spoke, his voice was like the rasp of rough silk over my skin. “Yes.”


With a smile, I turned back to the pool, stepping up to the edge and dipping my toes into the water. It was a comfortable temperature, not too hot, but not lukewarm either. Perfect for a bath.

I sat on the edge and slipped my legs into the water, and a moment later, I glided fully into the pool, submerging my body up to my neck.

The sound I made at the sensation of the heat enveloping me like a relaxing, full-body hug bordered on erotic. “Oh, God. This is divine.”

Water splashed softly next to me, and when I turned, it was to see Aziel having entered the pool as well, making his way over to me. Lightning in his eyes, his power prickling over my senses, he gently grasped my chin in his hand and turned my face up for his kiss.

“I knew you’d like it,” he murmured against my lips.

I hummed and pressed my body against his, my soft curves fitting perfectly along the hardness of his physique. The ridge of his cock against my belly sent a shiver of sparks down to the apex of my thighs.

Placing one hand between my shoulder blades, the other on my ass, he lifted me up and leaned me back a little so that my breasts were above the surface, water sluicing down the curves. He dipped his head and followed the trail of the rivulets with his tongue, retracing the path of those drops, and came up again, circling one nipple, then the other.

My breathing turned choppy. Arousal churned in my core, each lick echoed in a flare of desire that quickly took over my system. My fingers speared through his hair, and I pulled his head closer, desperate for more. He closed his teeth over one nipple, biting just enough that a bolt of pleasure shot straight down to the pulsing need between my legs. I floated in the hot water, held only by his hands and my grip on him, lost to the sensation of his lips, tongue, and teeth wreaking havoc on my breasts.

It felt like I would melt right into the water if he ever let up, my body dissolving into liquid pleasure.

Just when I thought the ache of unfulfilled need became unbearable, his hand on my ass pulled me closer to him. On instinct, I slung my legs around him, and he brought me even closer, until the length of him pressed against my throbbing core—not entering me, but instead rubbing right over my clit.

He bit down on my nipple just as he ground me against him, and my orgasm rocked through me with explosive force. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I shuddered in his hold, riding out the waves of my climax by rolling my hips.

He caught my quickened breaths in a kiss, his voice like molten honey when he spoke against my lips. “Ready for more?”

“Fuck yes.”

He backed me into the smooth cave wall that rose directly out of the water, though my skin didn’t make contact with the stone—his arms cushioned me, one slung around my hips, the other behind my back, his hand cradling my head. With my arms around his neck, my legs around his hips, I held on to him as he lowered his head and caught my mouth again in a kiss that further heated all the places already sizzling with anticipatory lust, aching with need. I rolled my hips along his hard cock, increasing the throb of building pleasure inside me.

His fingers tightened in the strands of my hair, his power pressing against my senses.

“You’re mine.” A rough claim, whispered against my lips. “Now and forever.”

“Then take me.”

He moved his hips, letting his cock glide over my clit a few times, stirring my arousal to new heights again, until I was panting, the impact of another orgasm looming just a moment away. With a twist of his hips, he positioned himself lower, and the head of his cock pressed against my entrance.

His gaze caught and held mine as he pushed inside me, slowly, ever so slowly. Slick as I was, his size still stretched me to near-painful levels, a subtle, erotic burn that didn’t diminish the need to feel him fully. If anything, it made me want him more, my body recognizing the sensation as the overture to something far greater yet to come.

His power hovering on the edge of some dark abyss, he kept going until he was seated in me to the hilt. I gasped at the feeling—so full, tight in a way that was at once unfamiliar and yet felt like coming home.

His energy brushed over me, sensual and soothing at the same time, petting me into a loose kind of arousal.

“All right?” he asked, a rough note to his voice. His features were drawn tight, tension turning his body rock-hard.

“Yes,” I breathed. “I need you to move.”

I wanted what lay beyond this prelude, craved the depth of sensation promised by this small taste of the whole.

“Then hold on, love.”

He withdrew until he was almost out, and that singular move had me uttering a cry already, the feeling of his hard cock sliding against my sensitive tissue an unfamiliar friction—one that turned into an erotic stimulation as he pushed right back in. His power languidly flowed over my skin, dripping across my breasts like honey, hot and tantalizing. The teasing touch of his energy combined with the sensual intrusion of him moving inside me made me clench my inner muscles around him.

He paused and closed his eyes briefly, his jaw tight, his shoulders under my hands rigid. “You feel so fucking perfect,” he said after a moment, his voice husky and his energy a riot of restrained emotions.

“Same,” I whispered, tangling my fingers in the hair at his nape.

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