Page 46 of Hell Over Heels

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Everything else fell away—the cave, the waterfall, the world outside, who I was without him, my responsibilities and obligations. It had always felt like we were in our own little dimension in here, isolated from the rest of Heaven, but now it all truly faded into insignificance. The only thing that mattered was him, us, this love wrapping me up in the kind of devotion and desire that let my soul glow.

The kiss turned more urgent, and my skin seemed to catch fire, a storm of flames rolling over and through me at his touch, at the feel of him. No matter how many times we’d been intimate already, I still burned for him. And I wanted more. I wanted all of him.

I couldn’t even describe this feeling of emptiness, that yearning need inside me, only that it had almost turned into a physical ache. I knew from my dreams what it did to me to feel him inside me, and I was ready to go ballistic for not getting it in reality.

Breaking the kiss to fully straddle him, I placed my hands on his chest and rubbed my core—still well lubricated from when he’d spoiled me with his oral skills earlier—right over his steely length. His eyes darkened, and his power gained an edge.

Digging my fingers into his pecs, I leaned forward, nipped at his mouth, and murmured, “I want you. I want this.” I demonstrated what I meant with another roll of my hips over his cock. “I need to feel you inside me.”

Threading his fingers through my hair, he looked at me with all the signs of pent-up lust and excruciating sensual hunger, yet he still didn’t act. “Chaya…”

I gritted my teeth. “I. Want. You. And I’m more than ready. What more do I need to do to prove that to you? Do you want me to spell it out to you in interpretive dance?”

The corners of his mouth twitched upward. “Will you be naked?”

I playfully slapped his chest. “Do not make me do that. I’m shit at dancing. I’d look like a drunk flamingo.”

His low laugh took some of the edge off his power, softening the hardness of his features.

“Please,” I murmured, placing a light kiss on his lips. “Stop denying me this.”

He regarded me for a long moment, his fingers idly playing in my hair, his power stirring the air between us. Then, a slow, slow smile snuck onto his face, adding a roguish touch to the carnal hunger in his expression. “Fine.”

And before I could even make a celebratory sound, he was up on his feet, swinging me over his shoulder and carrying me to the back of the cave.

“Excuse you!” I exclaimed, bouncing lightly with his powerful strides. “What are you doing? The cushion is right there!” I flailed in the direction of the bedroll that we were leaving behind.

“I’ve got something better in mind.” He patted my bare ass, his fingers brushing against my soaked entrance for a second.

I jerked in his grasp, that minimal touch enough to make sensation pulse between my legs again.

He carried me into the tunnel off the main cave that I’d seen but never explored—what with having a stud of an angel to explore right in front of me—and eventually he turned into another cave.

The air was different here—hot and humid with steam curling around me—and even before Aziel set me down, I knew there had to be thermal springs nearby.

He let me glide down his body, his arm around my waist, his eyes intent on my face. “I thought you might appreciate this,” he murmured, then turned me around.

A landscape of pools stretched out before us, the water stunningly turquoise, tendrils of steam rising up from the surface. I sucked in a breath, unable to imagine what it would feel like to immerse myself in all that hot water.


“I can’t swim,” I blurted.

Maybe I’d once known how to as a human, but I’d never had need of it as an angel, so I’d never learned. And it wasn’t that I’d risk drowning, per se, since not breathing wouldn’t kill me. But it wouldn’t be fun to splash around helplessly in the deep.

“It’s shallow,” he said, placing his chin on my shoulder, his chest pressing into my back. “Probably only up to here”—he drew a line across my breasts, his touch featherlight and yet causing my nipples to harden—“in the deepest parts. Other areas are even shallower.” He trailed his fingers down, grazing my pebbled nipples, over the lower curve of my breasts, to my belly…until he made little circles right above the thatch of dark curls covering my mound.

Tiny shocks of pleasure arced down, and I squirmed in his hold.

“Go on in.” He placed a kiss on my neck, gliding his hand around me to lightly squeeze my butt.

I’d only ever taken showers, had never experienced the luxury of sliding into a body of water, especially with the express intent of it not being for cleaning purposes.

This was for pleasure, and the mere thought of it felt decadent.

Taking a few steps forward, I threw a look over my shoulder at him, an excited smile on my face. He watched me with predatory focus, those storms in his eyes seemingly darker, his energy holding an agitated note that didn’t show on his face.

“This is not just a distraction, though, is it?” I asked him with a grin and a raised brow. “I mean, we are going to make love, right?”

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