Page 19 of Hell Over Heels

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Granted, not every detail matched, and Mysterious Stranger in my dream had said more, but the part that was the same? It was eerily exact.

And if Aziel had not picked that scene from my memory and acted it out—and why would he do that in the first place? For shits and giggles?—what other explanation was there for his actions uncannily echoing my dream?

I’d been puzzling over this question for the better part of the night—or what passed for night here, since the light never changed. The habit of clinging to structures of time only found on Earth had to be a remnant from my human life.

The fact was, when I’d come home from the canceled training session, I’d had a few hours of free time left that I typically used for sleeping before I had to head out to my next work shift again. And usually, those few hours would allow me to sink into the dreams I sought as if they were the nectar of life. Instead, I’d lain awake and let my thoughts ramble as they were wont to do.

Some people had orderly thoughts, all nicely lined up and waiting their turn like well-trained dogs patiently sitting still for a treat.

I didn’t have dogs. All I had was squirrels, and they seemed to be on drugs.

I couldn’t make sense of it. How had Aziel acted out my dream without knowing it?

What were the chances that this was just a coincidence?

I shook my head while pushing the shovel underneath another heap of unicorn poop. No, that was pretty much impossible. Being in a certain position that was the same as in a dream, yes, I could see that. If the only thing resembling the scene in my dream had been the fact that Aziel had pressed me against a wall, sure, I could chalk that up to probable coincidence.

But the dagger? Those words?

No, that went beyond just happenstance.

So why had that scene from my dream hauntingly come true?

My eyes widened.

I dropped the shovel.

Holy shit.

Could I—did I—have a vision of the future?

I clapped a hand over my mouth and realized too late that the glove I wore was covered in unicorn fur. Snorting and sputtering, I spewed white hairs and tried to spit them from my lips before I accidentally swallowed any.

A few seconds of coughing—with watering eyes and all—and I had the wherewithal to return to this epiphany I’d just had.

Could it be possible? Could my dream have been infused by some sort of foresight?

Those squirrel thoughts of mine all jumped over each other in their haste to create the utmost chaos. Staring unseeing at the wall of the box, the shovel lying forgotten at my feet, I went down the rabbit hole—squirrel hole?—that was the theory that I could have second sight.

The next thought came careening in on the heels of that, crashing into my already shaken composure.

If that dream of mine had indeed been a vision and it had come true with Aziel yesterday, and if Aziel was, in fact, the mysterious stranger I’d been seeing in my dreams, did that mean all of those dreams I’d had of Mysterious Stranger would come true? With Aziel?

A tiny squeak escaped me, half terrified and half embarrassed.

Because some of those dream sequences had been explicitly sexual.

Heat rushed up to my face, and my body tingled in all the places those nightly visions had shown me would be happily touched by…Aziel.

Seraph Aziel, who was the most magnificent male I’d ever laid eyes on.

Fuck me sideways.

Which…he would do. According to my premonitions.

Oh, God. I had to stop. I buried my face in my hands.

And that, of course, covered my face in unicorn fur.

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