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It’s early afternoon by the time we emerge from downstairs.

Remy’s in the kitchen, leaning on the counter directly across from the basement door. Like he’s been posed and waiting for us all morning.

I run my fingers through my hair and adjust the T-shirt I borrowed from Griff. It almost goes to my knees, but my wild sex hair and pajama pants practically announce I spent the night downstairs.

“Good morning.” I flash a bright, chipper smile.

“Good afternoon.” Remy tilts his head and levels us with an exasperated stare. “I assume this means you’re back together.”

“Aww, you should be a detective, brother dear.” I reach up and pat the top of his head.

He ducks and weaves away from me.

Two strong arms band around my middle, and Griff pulls me tight to the front his body, resting his chin on top of my head. “Don’t worry. She’s going back to campus tomorrow,” Griff says.

“She is standing right here and she will decide when and where she goes,” I say, slipping out of his hold.

Remy bites the inside of his cheek but a chuckle slips out anyway. “Damn, Griff. That lasted five seconds.”

“Yes, I’m going back to campus tomorrow,” I say. “Griff said he’ll visit me.”

“Is that right?” Remy lifts a skeptical eyebrow.

Griff raises his hands. “Whenever she tells me she has time. I won’t interfere with her classes.”

“You better not.”

“Remy!” I snap, tired of him hassling Griff. “This may shock you, but I had a crush on Griff all through high school and still managed to graduate near the top of my class. I’m capable of doing more than one thing.”

“Yeah, but now you’re actually with the bonehead.” He slides an annoyed look at Griff. “Again.”

“Don’t call my boyfriend a bonehead.”

“Aww.” Griff nuzzles his face in my hair and kisses my cheek. “Thank you, baby.” Whether he’s sincere or trying to further annoy my brother, I’m not sure. “You really had a crush on me that long?” he whispers against my ear.

“Probably longer.” I pat his arm. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

Both of them rumble with laughter. Griff releases me. Hopefully that means they’re not going to continue the verbal sparring.

“Great.” Remy claps his hands together. “Now that you’ve left your cocoon, let’s make breakfast.”

My stomach growls. “You haven’t eaten yet?”

His gaze slides to the door. “Nah, I ran some errands early this morning. Just got back a little while ago.”

“All right, what are we making?”

“Omelets,” Remy says as if it should be obvious.

“Of course.” I smack my hand against my forehead. “What was I thinking?”

“I bought those blue eggs you like from the farmer’s market.”

I stop and stare at my brother. “You went to the farmer’s market?”

“Yes, smart-ass. I ordered something for the bar from one of the vendors.” He flicks an irritated look over my shoulder. “Since I had some time, I looked for the egg lady.”

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