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He pushes the door all the way open and fires off a warning look.

I don’t need the warning. I’d also never repeat the don’t-knock-her-up and let-her-go-to-college parts of his “conditions.” They’re likely to either hurt Molly’s feelings or piss her off. The don’t-cheat-on-her warning isn’t worth mentioning because it would never happen anyway.

Molly places her hand on my leg and scoots closer, like she wants to protect me from her brother’s wrath.

Despite my throbbing groin, I flash a cocky-as-fuck grin at Remy.

“It’s my room, Remy.” Molly’s forceful tone makes me grin even wider. “We can close the door. Especially if you’re going to be hanging out in the hallway like a peeping creeper.”

I cover my mouth and snicker into my hand.

Remy’s lips twist with what I assume is a mixture of amusement and annoyance. “Is this what I have to look forward to if you’re a couple? Public displays of?—”

“We’re in my room,” Molly repeats.

“—and you defending him like he’s a kid?” Remy finishes.

Molly laces her fingers through mine. “Yup.” She adds a sassy head tilt. “Deal with it.”

“My woman has spoken.” I dip my chin.

“Fuck almighty,” Remy grumbles and rubs his temples. “If I have to put up with this bullshit, let’s at least go downstairs and eat some waffles.”

“Waffles?” Molly lifts her chin, sniffing the air. “Who’s making waffles?”

A sly smile curves Remy’s lips. “I am.”

I bite my tongue to cut off my laughter. Remy the mastermind. Luring us out of Molly’s bedroom with one of her favorite foods.

“I could eat some waffles.” Molly turns toward me and lifts an eyebrow. “How about you?”

“For fuck’s sake.” Remy groans.

“Sure.” I risk death and lean in to kiss Molly’s cheek. “Waffles sound perfect.”

“Great!” Molly pushes me off her bed. “Go help Remy while I get dressed.”

“Wait, what?” My eyes widen in surprise but I’m also laughing.

“Come on, bonehead.” Remy shackles his hand around my wrist and drags me into the hallway.

Molly closes the door behind us.

“You think waffles are gonna keep me from making out with your sister?” I whisper to Remy. “That’s adorable.”

He smirks at Molly’s closed door. “Worked, didn’t it?”



Remy finally finding out about Griff and me went better than I expected. Almost too smoothly. Griff and I have been able to spend more time together without hiding it from my brother. It’s a relief, but I can’t help feeling like Remy hasn’t quite given us his blessing yet, no matter what Griff says.

So when Remy’s waiting for me one night after work instead of Griff, my suspicious little sister radar starts pinging like crazy.

“What are you doing here?” I yank open the heavy door to Remy’s old Ford Bronco and hoist myself inside.

“Can’t I pick up my hardworking little sister and treat her to dinner after a long shift at her thankless job?” He waits until my seat belt’s buckled to shift into gear and roll the old beast forward.

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