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“He hasn’t even been out of prison that long,” I whisper to Remy. “How’s he already have the funds to buy a place like this?”

He shrugs. “Lost Kings take care of their own. Reward loyalty and all that. Remember the bike they gave Vapor? And he’s not even a patch holder.”

“Maybe we should host more fight nights at The Castle. Start stacking more cash.”

Remy stops and glances at me. “We do okay with that but it’s not going to generate this kind of income. Especially when we’ve got so much overhead.” He slides his gaze toward the living room where most of the chatter seems to be coming from. “I’m gonna talk to Teller about some investment stuff later if I can.”

“Good luck. He can’t stand you,” I scoff.

“Nah, I’m growing on him.”

“Sure you are.”

We finally make our way to the formal living room. It’s packed and while we’re friendly with mostly everyone, I still feel like an intruder.

The corner of my mouth lifts as my gaze lands on Grinder. The older biker barely takes his eyes off of his fiancée as she carries their son from couple to couple. I lean in close to Remy. “I know he’s a lot older than her, but they make sense together.”

Remy chuckles softly and ducks his head. “Christ, first time I met her, I thought she was his daughter.”

“You fucking said that to him too, didn’t you?” My best friend has a bad habit of speaking before thinking.

“How was I supposed to know?” He snorts. “Thought he was going to murder me on the spot.”

“Honestly, he kind of reminds me of your Grandpa Kip. The way he doted on Nana Clary, you know?”

A fond smile replaces his devilish one. “Yeah.” His smirk returns. “Don’t tell him he reminds you of my grandpa, though. He’ll probably shoot us both.”

“You’re such a dick.” I laugh and shake my head. “But yeah. I felt bad when I pretended to be the grandson of one of his friends to get his parole officer off his back.”

“Nah, I bet he appreciated you helping him out.” Remy’s head turns as he surveys the room again. “I feel like we give a lot more assistance than we get in return.”

He’s got a point to a certain extent. “They took care of the guys fucking around at Zips for us. We haven’t asked them for much more.”

Remy would rather gnaw off his fingers one by one than ask anyone for help. “I guess. I just want to be careful before we commit to too much.”

“I hear you.”

We finally get our chance to say hi to the baby. Despite his earlier complaints, Remy’s happy to hold Lincoln and make goofy faces at him.

While he’s busy with Lincoln, someone pokes my side. I glance down at the tiny, curvy blonde smiling up at me.

“Rooster said ya were gonna be here,” Shelby says in her soothing Texan drawl. “Molly come with ya?”

I shoot a glare at Remy. “Nah, her friend was having a party tonight.”

“Aw, that’s too bad.” She pats my arm. “Tell her I said hi.”

“Will do.”

Grinder clasps my shoulder with enough pressure to get my attention. “Thanks for coming.”

“Thanks for having us.”

“Z asked for a tour. You want to join us?” he asks.


“I’ll talk to you later,” Shelby says, throwing me a quick wave.

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