Page 18 of The Sweetest Taboo

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“Where are we going?” I asked.

“It’s a surprise,” he replied with a smile that made my heart beat faster. This Rowan, this easy-going, fun Rowan, was irresistible.

We set off in the late morning, the sun already painting the world in vibrant hues. I loved Montana. The dense forests and open meadows made the terrain a mix of gentle slopes and jagged mountains. The air was filled with the scent of pine and wildflowers, a sweet fragrance that followed us as we rode. The rhythm of the horses' hooves against the earth was a comforting, steady beat.

After a half hour, the trees thinned, and the sound of water whispered through the air. The path opened onto a scene so breathtaking, it felt like stepping into a painting. The lake lay nestled in a valley, its surface a perfect mirror, reflecting the azure sky and the towering mountains beyond. The water was a crystal-clear blue, so transparent I could see the smooth stones that lined the bottom. Around us, the land rose sharply, the mountains standing sentinel, their peaks dusted with snow despite the warmth of the season.

We dismounted, and while Rowan secured the horses, I walked to the water's edge. The grass underfoot was soft, dotted with wildflowers that nodded in the gentle breeze. The silence was profound, broken only by the occasional call of a bird or the soft murmur of the water lapping against the shore. It was a secluded paradise, a place untouched by time.

Rowan watched me take it all in, a smile playing on his lips.

"Welcome to Hidden Lake." His voice was filled with pride and affection.

"The water looks tempting," I murmured as I stood beside what could only be called a picture-postcard perfect scene.

His hands were on the buttons of his shirt. "Want to go for a swim?"

"I don't have a swimsuit."

"It's just us here, darlin'."

I blushed, and my eyes looked down at my boots in embarrassment. He lifted my chin to look at me.

"Sometimes, I almost believe you're as innocent as you look."

I raised my eyebrows him, not liking what he'd said. "Excuse me?"

He grinned. "Come on, I'll look the other way. As long you do me the same courtesy."

He kept his promise, and I almost did. That man had one fine-naked arse, which I saw before he dove into the clear water. I followed, taking tentative steps.

It was magic. The heat of the day and the cool of the water.

"You're a damn good swimmer. Where did you learn?" Rowan asked.

"I worked in a gym for a while. I had free access to the facilities, which included an Olympic-size swimming pool. How about you?"

He chuckled. "My first swimming lesson was as a toddler, right here."

We swam in silence. I pushed myself hard, reveling in the burn of the exercise.

"Having fun?" Rowan asked as I draped my arms around a rock where the lake was shallow enough for me to stand.

"This is amazing."

"I'm glad."

He ran a hand down my naked back, and I shivered. "Please stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Touching me."

"You don't like to be touched, darlin'?"

I felt gauche and unsophisticated when I wanted to be one of those women who flirted with ease and could handle a man like Rowan.

"It unnerves me when you do it," I told him honestly. I didn't know how to play coy or hide how I felt.

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