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"Maggie." Charlie's voice was dark now, matching his pupils as he stared down at her. "Please tell me you want this."

She nodded and pulled him towards her again for a harsh kiss against her lips. This wasn't soft and sweet and sugary anymore. It was rough and demanding and she wanted him to know she was demanding him now.

"Maggie." His lips trailed down her neck as his fingers dug into the softness of her skin under her skirt. "Oh, Maggie. I want you so bad."

Maggie reached forward, putting her hands in his hips, demanding and rough as she pulled him to her. He was so close to her, so close to where she wanted him to be. He needed to know they understood each other. She knew where this was going and she wanted to go there with him.

"Give me what I want, Charlie," she demanded.

There was a growl that escaped his lips and he moved his hand to position himself right where she wanted him, where she could feel the desire pooling between her legs.

He was looking at her now, staring into her eyes, waiting for that last moment to tell him to go. Maggie tried to come up with something to say, but the words wouldn't come. She bit her lip trying to come with something, but it only elicited a sexy grin from Charlie.

He got her message. He knew what she wanted.

Charlie plunged into her in one swift move, causing her to gasp as her back arched to his touch. Yeah, this was definitely what she wanted. In this office, in this moment, he wasn't the owner of a hockey team or the new client for her bakery. He was a man, hot and hard and taking her for all she had.

And Maggie had a lot to give. Every thrust was met with her digging her fingers into his arm, the fabric soft and pliable under her grasp. She could feel his muscles tense with each move, each thrust, and she urged him on as she held on tighter.

It was getting harder to hold him though, his hands grasping for anything he could hold onto to keep her close to him. She could feel his hand push her skirt higher, his palm coming up against her soft belly. He pushed her gently, then with some force, as her back hit her desk. It sounded like her pens crashed to the floor, but she didn't care.

Maggie reached up and grabbed his wrist, willing him to put more force against her, keeping her in place as he had his way with her. The way he moved with fiery and possessive and when she arched her back against the desk, the growl that came from him sounded forbidden and wild.

She had never been fucked quite like this and absolutely never on her desk in her office. But she would have to do this again and again and again if he was going to make her feel this way.


It was a whisper, a moan, but it was enough to spur him on and make him reach just the right place for her to start seeing stars.

"Oh, fuck, Charlie." His fingers tightened against her belly. "Oh, fuck, I'm so close, Charlie."

He groaned and thrust harder, his moves erratic and desperate, as her hand tightened around his wrist. She wasn't lying to him when she said she was close. So close... so...

The waves of ecstasy crashed through her as Charlie thrust into her one more time before stilling above her, riding her high as she pulsed around him until her body went limp from the passion of being thoroughly screwed on top of her desk.

Charlie finally pulled out of her, his elbows coming down next to her as he tried to catch his breath and get his bearings. His face glistened with sweat and there was some lipstick lingering on his lips. His hair was a disheveled mess.

He looked like he had been ravished by a woman who took him for everything he had. Maggie took pride in the fact that she was that woman.

His hand came up and caressed her cheek. "You OK?" She could only nod. "Was that good for you?"

"Very good," she said with a small laugh.

Charlie leaned down and kissed her as he slid his hand under her back and pulled her up against him. She couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck and keep him close as he pulled his hands away. She could hear his belt buckle rattle and looked down to see him trying to get the zipper of his pants up.

"Be honest," he said as he leaned down to look at her. "Do I look like a mess?"

"You look like you've had a good time."

He gave her a teasing smile. "That was more than a good time," he said before leaning down and kissing her again.

Charlie finally stepped back and gave Maggie room to hop off her desk. And yep, there were pens everywhere. She would have to deal with those later. The more pressing issue was her underwear, which were discarded somewhere.

Charlie seemed to sense what was going on, his arm snaking around her waist as he kissed her neck again. "Bathroom?"

"Bottom of the stairs."

He gave her that sexy smile again that made her remember why she had her way with him in the office. "I'll meet you down there?"

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