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Makes up for it? What did that mean?

"So are you going to hire the bakery just because you feel bad for smashing my cake?"

Again with the snarkiness. What the hell was wrong with her tonight? But Charlie didn't seem taken aback by it. Instead, his smile grew bigger.

"We're going to hire your bakery because it's amazing," he said. "I just wanted you to know that I really do feel bad about the whole cake thing."


"I mean, look at that cake over there." She turned in the direction that Charlie was pointing. "There are two pieces left even though I was the only one in the suite tonight."

Maggie saw the almost empty cake plate and turned back around to give Charlie a tight smile. Yeah, she was feeling some remorse now herself. He wasn't lying that there was barely any left and he really did like it.

"Well, um..."

Her voice trailed off, wondering how she was supposed to handle all of this now. Maybe instead of eating a slice of cake, she should be eating some humble pie.

But again, Charlie seemed to take it in stride and stood back from the high-top table, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his gorgeous tailored pants.

"So, would you like the contract for hockey games?"

She put on a big smile, a genuine one this time. "We're looking forward to working with you."


His phone rang on the table and she saw the word "Lawyer" flash up on the screen. She looked up at Charlie to see him staring at the phone, his demeanor completely changed. Gone was the businessman closing a contract for cake and the whole suite suddenly seemed darker.

Charlie crushed the button on the side of his phone a little harder than she expected to silence it and he stared at the blank screen for several moments as if he had forgotten she was even there before he finally looked up at her.

"I'm looking forward to working with your bakery," he said with a tight smile. "I'll talk to Noah about the contract tomorrow and we'll get something to you soon."

"That sounds great."

She plastered on her fake smile again and stood up. It just felt like that call, whatever it was about, had changed the entire suite and it was obvious when she wasn't wanted there anymore.

Maggie held her hand out and Charlie took it with a professional grasp to shake.

"Thank you for considering us, and I'm really looking forward to working with you."

"Likewise," he replied with that polite smile. "Have a good night and we'll be in touch."

His hand slipped out of hers and Maggie's eyes flickered to his exposed forearm for just a moment. She really needed to get a grip on whatever she was feeling about Charlie's arms.

So she plastered on a smile and nodded before heading towards the door.

Just before it closed behind her, she glanced back to the suite. Charlie was leaning on the table, brooding, as he stared down at the phone in front of him. Then the door clicked shut and Maggie had no choice but to head down the hall.

She had secured the deal and was going to prove that taking on a new contract would be a great thing for the company. It was going to work out, she knew it.

But there was also something still nagging her about her conversation with Charlie that she couldn't quite describe, and she couldn't explain why she even cared.

In the two times Maggie had met him, it seemed like the people Charlie worked with liked him and Riley had told her that the players were happy he was in charge of the team. And aside from her disdain for him smashing her cake, he had been friendly to her and remorseful about the whole incident. In fact, the sudden coldness in the way he said goodbye to her seemed out of character for him.

Charlie just felt like a good person to be around who could have had plenty of people in his suite to enjoy the game.

So why did the billionaire owner tell her he watched the game alone?

Chapter Five

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