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The sound of the door gently creaking interrupts my thoughts, and I open my eyes to see Dr. Haskell entering the room. She’s always impeccably dressed, her appearance as precise and polished as ever. Complemented by flawlessly applied makeup, her neat bob haircut has always reminded me of Anna Wintour. Dr. Haskell smiles, her movements gentle and measured as she gracefully takes a seat in her black leather chair, her gaze fixed on me with an unwavering intensity.

“Yes, you are indeed pregnant,” she states unequivocally, cutting through the fog of my doubts and theories about potential false positives that I hastily shared at the start of my appointment.

My mouth opens, but no words come out. Dr. Haskell, however, continues with the practicalities, informing me that we will proceed with an ultrasound to determine how far along I am. Plus, she will be prescribing prenatal vitamins. As she speaks, I try my best to absorb her instructions, nodding along as she emphasizes the importance of regular, low-impact exercise for both my well-being and the baby’s. She hands me a pamphlet detailing beneficial exercises, recommending yoga for its benefits in enhancing breathing, endurance, and flexibility.

When we’re done, she says I should stop at the front desk before leaving her office to schedule my next three appointments. The frequency of our meetings will increase as my pregnancy progresses. For the initial seven months, I’m to see her once every four weeks, shifting to weekly visits thereafter.

The reality of the situation sinks in with each word spoken. The thought of my body changing so drastically over the next several months is almost surreal.

“So… a whole baby is actually going to come out of me?” I blurt out, a bit overwhelmed by the thought.

Dr. Haskell pauses, giving me a look that seems to acknowledge my anxiety for the first time. “Yes, darling, that’s exactly what will happen,” she assures me gently. “But remember, I’ll be with you every step of the way until you’re holding your beautiful child in your arms. I’m one of the best in this field, and I promise to do everything within my power to reduce your pain and ensure your comfort. You’re stronger than you think, and you’ll get through this beautifully.”

Wow, I believe her. That’s the beauty of having an OBGYN with her demeanor and thoroughness. I’m also surprised that she didn’t ask about the baby’s father, and I feel compelled to share. “His name is Randy,” I say, feeling a bit exposed. “And he doesn’t know yet.”

Dr. Haskell’s expression remains calm and professional. “Gina, I want you to know I’m not here to judge you. My role is to support you through this journey, no matter your situation.”

Nodding, I feel a wave of relief wash over me.

“Now,” Dr. Haskell says, her small smile lighting up her usually inexpressive face, “let’s find out how far along you are.”

* * *

15 Minutes Later

Feeling detached from my body, as if this moment belongs to someone else, I watch Dr. Haskell maneuver the ultrasound stick inside me. But the words she has just uttered seem impossible to grasp.

“Eight weeks?” I echo, squinting from disbelief and the instrument up my vagina. “No, that can’t be right. No.” My head vehemently shakes in denial.

“Yes,” she affirms, her voice a pillar of calm certainty as she finally takes that thing out of me.

The realization dawns on me, leaving my thoughts in disarray. Doing the math feels beyond me. The last time Randy and I were together was magical, the kind of moment you might one day recount to your grown children when they ask about their beginnings. But the thought of explaining to my child that their life started during a midnight bang on the kitchen counter at Calypso Café is too much to bear.

“Gina?” Dr. Haskell’s voice reaches me again, and this time, I feel her hand gripping mine. “Goodness, darling, you need to find your calm. I’m prescribing a specific exercise regime for you. Yoga, three times a week. Frannie will give you the details for a studio you can attend. All my patients get a 50 percent discount on their monthly membership. Did you catch all that, or do you need me to go over it again?”

Her tone demands a response, so I quickly reply, “I understand.”

* * *

I call into the Calypso and inform Sarah that I won’t be able to make it in today.

“Are you okay?” she asks. “You sound terrible.”

Summoning all my strength, I reply, “I’m fine.”

The news I received during the ultrasound still rattles me for some inexplicable reason. I hardly recognize myself anymore. I need a few days to find my way back to who I used to be. Fortunately, I’m not due back at the Calypso until Monday.

Now, with no obligations looming over me, I’m curled up in bed, exhausted but too restless to sleep. Rolling onto my back, I find myself staring aimlessly at that spot on the ceiling above my bed. I really should do something about it. Perhaps I’ll paint over it or install a ceiling fan. I should do something about how I feel too. Maybe some meditation and a healthier diet will help. Less stress about Randy would help too. I need to mature quickly and prepare to be the mother our child deserves.

Chapter 15

Podcast With Parents


Two weeks after finding out I’m pregnant, things are surprisingly smooth. I’ve decided to tackle life one breath at a time whenever I can. Yoga has been a lifesaver in that regard, teaching me to breathe through any situation that prevents me from tumbling into the depths of despair.

I’ve steered clear of watching any more episodes of Head Chef Total Domination. Everyone, including my parents, seems engrossed in the show, wildly cheering on our hometown hero. Rumors about Randy and Deanna’s on-screen chemistry have reached me, but Sarah and Rita assure me it’s all for show.

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