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Numerous thoughts race through my mind. One of them is urging me to calm down and be rational and, by all means, avoid the ultimate power struggle with this guy. Because surprisingly, he’s right. Despite his abrasive manner, he has been remarkably tolerant of the fact that I’m hardly ever on time for my shift.

There’s also something only my best friend Naomi knows about us, and that is that despite Randy’s difficult nature, we’ve had sex. And we’ve done it more than once, twice… well, I stopped counting after six or seven times. What’s my excuse? Simply put, Randy is undeniably hot, and sometimes, even I can’t resist him. Although, in hindsight, each time we succumb to our desires, I feel regret. Well, at least a pinch of regret… Or maybe a grain of regret… Okay, fine. I hate to admit it, but I feel no regret at all.

Maybe that’s why, at this very moment, my heart is pounding like crazy. We’re locked in a staredown. The atmosphere in the room feels charged, almost as if it has become electrified. All I can think about is the desire to feel his sensually swollen lips pressed against mine. Yes, Randy possesses the most enticing mouth. Making out with him is, unfortunately, highly enjoyable. It infuriates me how irresistibly sexy he is.

The door swings open abruptly, snapping me back to reality. Rita, a coworker, peers into the room. Her inquisitive gaze shifts between Randy and me, and suspicion flickers in her eyes as if she suspects she’s interrupted something heated between us. She’s asked me on several occasions if there’s something going on between Randy and me. I hate denying it. Rita is one of my good friends. But I will never tell anyone who works here what Randy I get up to when left alone. And I mean never.

“Jeremy’s at the register, asking for you,” she says. Her eyebrows knit together suspiciously.

“All right, tell him—” Randy begins.

“No, not you,” Rita interrupts. “Gina.”

Randy’s frown deepens. “What does Jeremy want with Gina?”

Confusion swirls in my mind as I shake my head. “Who’s Jeremy?”

“He says you left a card on his windshield,” Rita explains.

“Oh.” I sigh heavily. “That Jeremy.”

“My cousin,” Randy adds.

A groan escapes from deep within my belly. Randy’s cousin? I dented Randy’s cousin’s very expensive car? Suddenly, I feel nauseated. Nope, this is not my lucky day.

Chapter 2

Old Habits Don’t Die


I feel like I’m being forced to walk the plank as I make my way to the main dining room. I could almost throw up. I would rather do that than face this guy. Yet my steps halt when I catch sight of the man standing in front of the cash register. That has to be him. He’s a tall, striking ginger with undeniable appeal. He’s the kind of guy who would drive a shiny red Mercedes Benz, like the one I left my mark on. With a hand on my stomach to steady myself, I send up prayer, hoping he’s nothing like his uptight cousin.

It’s time to put on a show. I summon my brightest smile, re-straighten my posture, and stride confidently toward Mr. Moneybags, arm outstretched. “Hi, I’m Gina.” My aim is to charm him into going easy on me. I’ve tried that tactic with Randy to no avail.

Mr. Moneybags greets me with a firm handshake. “Nice to meet you, Gina. You did some serious damage to my door.” His direct approach reminds me so much of Randy—straight to the point with no finesse. They’re definitely cousins.

“She doesn’t have all day to chitchat, Jer,” Randy interjects, coming up behind the counter with his usual briskness.

I sigh, increasingly frustrated by the entire ordeal. I wish Randy had stayed in the back. His presence only complicates things further.

“We can exchange insurance information,” I suggest, trying to steer the conversation toward the quickest resolution possible.

Jeremy, or “Jer” as Randy refers to him, locks his gaze on mine. His face lights up with a megawatt smile. “What do you say about this?”

I tilt my head curiously. “About what?”

He folds his arms across his broad chest and adopts a stance reminiscent of Randy’s. “A proposition,” he states firmly.

I’m cautious but intrigued, especially since his tone suggests this proposition won’t cost me a fortune. “What kind of proposition?” I ask, eager to hear more.

“I’m willing to forgive and forget the damage to my car if you agree to go out with me on…” his eyes narrow as if he’s making an assessment. “…three dates.”

I yank my head back, stunned. Why would he…? Only now do I see the spark of attraction in his eyes. Quickly, I glance at Randy, who is watching us as if he’s curious to know my answer. Three dates are a lot. Then again, Jeremy’s car looks pretty new, and I imagine the damage I did will cost more than a couple of bucks to fix. On top of that, he isn’t bad on the eyes.

But then there’s Randy to consider. I mean, when we’re left alone, we’re still unable to keep our hands and bodies to ourselves.

Now Randy folds his arms in that arrogant way of his. Grinning and amused, he waits to hear my answer.

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