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Randy goes on to explain that Chef Leland agreed to hire him, but only during after-school hours. However, a few months into the job, Chef Leland noticed Randy wasn’t attending school during the day and confronted him with an ultimatum: be honest about his situation or lose the job. By that point, Randy had grown to love working in Chef Leland’s kitchen, a place where the head chef believed everyone on his team should have the skills to step in as junior chefs when necessary.

In Chef Leland’s kitchen, Randy quickly learned the art of using a knife, preparing sauces, and mastering seasonings. He discovered he had a natural talent for cooking. So instead of running scared, Randy took the courageous step of sharing his story with the acclaimed chef, explaining the circumstances that led him to New York City.

“Well, you have to finish high school,” the chef insisted.

With Chef Leland’s support, Randy enrolled in an online high school program, dedicating the early part of his day to his studies before heading to the restaurant by 4 p.m., often working until the early hours of the morning. Randy found that immersing himself in the culinary world not only provided a sense of purpose but also eased the emotional turmoil that had driven him to tears at night. Unfortunately, he also turned to alcohol as a temporary relief from his anguish.

“I worked in that restaurant for thirteen years. When Leland retired six years ago, his kitchen became mine. But eventually, my battle with alcohol cost me the most prestigious job I’d ever had. I’d lash out at my staff, miss entire nights in the kitchen, even forget essential ingredients, like salt.”

Hearing this version of Randy, so at odds with the man in front of me, I could only respond, “That doesn’t sound like you at all.”

“No. Not anymore,” he affirmed, lifting his arm to display his tattoo more prominently. “The sword symbolizes my fight against the demons that have tormented me. The clouds around the sword signify my emergence from the darkness, my ascent from the abyss.”

Overwhelmed by a surge of emotion, I instinctively lower my face, trying to shield from Randy the tears that have started cascading down my cheeks. “I’m so sorry,” I manage to say, the words barely a whisper. My apology is for more than just the moment—it’s for every time I mirrored his own harshness, for the complex mix of resentment and attraction I felt toward him, and for failing to see the truth. Despite his undeniable physical prowess and the kind of magnetism that could rival any big-time movie star, he is, at his core, profoundly human.

“Hey,” he murmurs, his voice carrying a comforting tone. The gentle touch of his finger under my chin encourages me to look up, and I can almost feel the warmth of his energy urging me to face him.

Brushing away the tears with the back of my hand, I muster a smile as I meet his gaze. “I’m sorry, really sorry.”

“There’s no need for apologies, Gina. Yes, my story has its sadness, but I like to believe I’m on the path to something better now.” The corners of his mouth lift into that irresistibly sexy smirk of his.

Gosh, he’s breathtaking. That look he gives me, where his entire face seems to light up, is captivating. Randy has that kind of appeal that I could happily wake up to day after day. Yet despite this undeniable attraction, there remains an elusive barrier between us, invisible but there.

“Yeah, well,” I start, feeling the need to shift the conversation, to find a new rhythm in this moment. “You’re an incredible chef. That dinner at Pier 37 on Friday night was great, sure, but the ravioli you made that afternoon? It was something else. It made me realize just how talented you are, and then, suddenly, there you were.”

Randy licks his lips, which is definitely the greatest show on earth. “Yeah, and there I was.”

“And then I ran away,” I add, trying to inject some lightness into the moment with a laugh.

I hoped Randy would join in on the laughter, but instead, he extends his arm across the table, his palm open, inviting me to place my hand in his. I accept, and before I know it, he gently pulls me out of my chair and closer to him, bridging the gap between us with a simple gesture. Turning his body to face me, I know exactly what to do as he hikes my skirt up, and I straddle his lap. Lowering myself on top of him, I feel his hardness pushing into my balmy softness. It’s like he’s already about to explode.

“Gina,” he whispers before his lips find the most sensitive side of my neck. “You look stunning tonight, by the way.”

“Thank you,” I whisper as his kissing makes my body shudder.

“And you drive me crazy,” he announces, still tasting my skin.

His careful, indulgent, and soft mouth sends my head afloat. I’m losing patience, and so is he, because what happens next happens so quickly. Randy and I go up in a flurry of hands, unbuttoning, unzipping, removing, and shifting until…

“Uh!” we both utter as our mouths find each other. And while he’s inside me, neither of us can get as close to each other as our hearts desire.

* * *

Twenty Minutes Later

We’re not rushing this moment; instead, we’re taking our time, simply gazing into each other’s eyes, allowing the connection between us to deepen at its own pace. Our lips stroke the softness of the other’s, and our tongues taste the heat of our breaths. Our lovemaking has never soared to such heights. And now, our arms are wrapped around each other, cheeks pressed against each other, and Randy is shuddering passionately yet tenderly as he arrives at the crescendo of our lovemaking.

“Gina,” he whispers close to me.

With my eyes closed, I’m wrestling with a storm of emotions that want to claim Randy as my own. “Yes,” I respond, my voice a soft echo of his.

“I’m going to be away for a bit,” he shares, his voice carrying a weight I wasn’t prepared for.

Startled, I emerge out of my oxytocin-inspired haze and pull back slightly to look into his eyes. “You’re what?”

“I’ve been given an opportunity to compete in a cooking competition show, and I’ve decided to take it.”

I’m staring into his eyes, realizing he’s still inside me while telling me this.

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