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Polinth stood over Neve, his face alight with power and glee.

The arrival of Jarin’s vessel had distracted Polinth only momentarily. During the journey, he held Seraphine close to keep Riella at bay. He was adamant she needed to dive down and fetch the amulet before he’d release the elf.

That was before she realized Dark Tide Clan was on board. Jarin would kill the pirates, of course. All she had to do was stall until he could help her with Polinth.

But stalling was going poorly. Neve’s arrival both invigorated and incensed Polinth, who took it personally that a mage had been set against him. Before knocking her to the deck, he demanded to know what the High Magus said about him.

“Stop!” shouted Riella.

She shoved the sorcerer, but a deflective enchantment encased him and it was like hitting a sheet of metal.

“Careful, siren,” he said, his eyes narrowing to slits. “The only reason you’re alive is because I need the amulet. Now, hurry up and get it for me.”

“Alright, I will,” she said. “We’re at the right place. There’s no need to hurt Neve.”

Riella was lying. The underwater caves from the map were many, many leagues away. The ship would never make it before dawn. Even now, the horizon lightened to purple. Her death was close. The only remaining questions were how it would happen, and whether she’d manage to take Polinth with her.

“My patience grows thin.” Then, his pallid head whipped around at the male voices coming from the stern. “Who else is here?”

She waved her hands, desperate to distract him until Jarin neutralized his peers. “Doesn’t matter. Pirates fighting among themselves.”

“Well, then, what are you waiting for?” asked Polinth, redirecting his rheumy gaze to her. “Swim down and collect the amulet.”

“But I can’t access the place where the amulet lies without my Voice,” said Riella. “Remember? That’s why you took it, didn’t you?”

He considered her. “If you procure the amulet for me, I will not only return your Voice to you, I will grant you life.”

Despite her dire situation, she seethed at his arrogance. “Grant me life?”

“Yes, of course. I am your god, your creator, your master. You are an experiment. And a splendid one, but just an experiment, and even I can’t work against the laws of Nature forever. From that first night, you’ve only ever had until the next full moon. But, attain the amulet for me, and saving you will be my first act.” He indicated the lilac horizon with one gnarled finger. “Without my help, you have but minutes to live.”

He withdrew a small glass bottle from his robes and held it aloft. Riella’s Voice glowed blue behind the glass. Before she could reach for it, he uncorked the bottle and threw it overboard. The glass hit the surface of the water with the tiniest splash.

“Off you go.” Polinth made a shooing motion at her with his hands. “Fetch.”

Riella rushed to the railing. The glowing blue shot from the bottle in tendrils, merging with the ocean. In her heart, she knew her Voice would never return to her. Some things could not be undone.

“Are you going, or not?” asked Polinth, standing over Neve. “Because if I can’t have the amulet, I’ll happily use the sorceress as an energy source. It’s usually so hard to steal them away from under the watchful gaze of the Magus.” Neve clawed at the deck, trying to stand. “She’ll be my compensation for you wasting my time.”

Riella dug her talons into the railing, frozen with indecision. She’d accepted her own life was over, but she’d not reckoned on Neve dying, too.

Seraphine pulled herself to her feet, her eyes dull and hazy but determined. She went for Polinth, raising her arm to strike him. Before she could make contact, he blasted her back against the railing with a casual flick of his fingers.

Heavy boots thundered on the deck, making the siren’s heart leap with hope. Jarin was coming. He would help.

But Artus, Lovel, and Terrick rounded the corner. Lovel’s face bled profusely where she’d scratched him.

Confused, she peered past them. Where was Jarin?

Terrick leered at her. “Your beau is dead. Fish food.”

Nausea rose in Riella’s throat and her ears rang. That was impossible, because Jarin couldn’t die. Terrick must’ve been lying.

But then, where was he?

Before she could shout his name, the ship lurched. Everyone on deck stumbled, Neve falling onto her back and Seraphine grasping at the railing for dear life. Then, a beautiful and unearthly Song filled Riella’s ears.

“Sirens!” shouted Lovel, shoving his hands over his ears. “Sirens incoming!”

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