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“Do I?”

Voices that had been in the distance were getting closer. She recognised at least one of them. Cody. The nearer they got, the faster her heart rate pounded. She hadn’t been prepared for an audience. Hell, she was barely prepared for this entire conversation.

As she glanced over Zach’s shoulder, she watched almost in slow motion as Cody, Hunter and Luke came to an abrupt standstill mid-stride as they finally noticed the scene playing out before them.

Fuck it.

Her attention was back on Zach, those ocean-colored eyes drowning everything else out.

“I’m sorry, Zach. I really am. You were right. Everything you said. Things between us ... it was, it was always more. And I knew it. I felt it, I really did. I was just being a coward.”

Witnessing the man before her visibly soften was all the fuel she needed to carry on.

“I was so scared of getting my heart broken. I had no idea it was already too late.” She tried her best to fight back the tears. It was bad enough her voice had already begun to tremble. “When you walked out that door, it was like you took my heart with you. I’ve never felt like that before. I felt empty. I still do. It’s like you left this huge, gaping hole in my chest.”

She was clutching her chest now, like she could physically feel it. In all its glory. And with every second that passed, it was getting bigger.

“What are you trying to say, Libby?”

Fuck, this is hard.

“It took me a while to figure out why. Why I felt as broken as I did. I’m not exactly an expert at this type of thing so it probably took me longer than most people.” She shook her head, a humourless laugh leaving her lips. “Rachel came over and we talked. I watched a lot of really bad reality TV and I’m pretty sure I ate my bodyweight in takeout, but then ... then I had one of those lightbulb moments. You know from the cartoons, with the bulb that— Yeah, uh, you know. So, it turns out that I, uh ... that I love you.”

Did I actually just start talking about cartoons while declaring my love? Jesus Christ, you’re bad at this, Libby.

Turns out her face was just as embarrassed as her brain, which was why her hands immediately shot up in an attempt to cover herself.

Oh God. This is going so badly.

But she didn’t stay hidden for long. She felt thick digits begin to uncurl her hold. Soon, her face was free again. When she’d gathered enough courage to meet Zach’s eyes, the mortification began to melt away.

“Princess, did you really just tell me you love me and then hide?”

“Yes.” A smile tugged at her lips. “Did it work? Did I win you back?”

His chuckle was music to her ears. “Is that what you were trying to do? Win me back?”

She nodded vehemently. “Did it work?”

Oh no. The serious expression was back. “That depends. Are you really ready to do this with me, for real? I’m not just talking about you calling me your boyfriend. I’m talking about planning a future together. ‘Cause I’m telling you right now, in the not-so-distant future, I’m gonna want us to move in together. Get married. Maybe squeeze out a few kids. Are you ready for that?”

Do not hyperventilate.

“Uh.” Seriously? Now you freak out? “Look, I’m gonna be honest, I’m still really frigging scared. That won’t just go away overnight. Those are some really serious things you’re listing off right there, but ... I really do love you. This whole loving someone thing, it’s still all new to me. It’s even newer to think about stuff like marriage and kids. But, you make me want those things. Things I’ve never wanted before. You might have to bear with me, but yes, I’m ready. I’m ready to do this for real.”

Zach’s lips crashed down onto hers. At the same time, the helmet he’d been holding hurtled to the floor. She had her answer. It worked. She was home.

Wrapping her hands around his neck, she pulled him closer. But evidently it wasn’t close enough for him. She felt his hands drift downward until they were gripping her backside. With a move smoother than she could fathom right now, he hauled her up and helped her to fold her legs around him. All the while, never breaking their kiss.

She faintly heard cheers in the background, no doubt his friends. But nothing could distract her from this moment. The smoky taste on his lips, the musky scent short-circuiting her brain and the fire building in her belly as she became lost in his touch.

The risk was worth the reward. If it gave her a shot at a lifetime with this man, then what was a little fear?

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