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“Okay. I’ll be around if you need me, alright?”

Her head bobbed up and down again.

Satisfied, Cody made his way back toward the crowd.

Time flew by as she tried her best to help. Before she knew it, it was pitch black and there were no longer any evacuees around to assist. Although the fire had been under control for a while now, she still hadn’t seen Zach. And Cody hadn’t been by to check on her for at least an hour.

Not sure what else to do, she started gathering the discarded blankets and empty water bottles. It was the first chance she’d had to really think since she’d arrived, and she wasn’t sure if she liked it. She was beginning to doubt herself. Without adrenaline and fear pumping through her veins, the decision to drive out here no longer seemed like such a good idea.

You can’t run forever. You know exactly why you’re here. Suck it up.

Bending down to pick up yet another blanket, she heard footsteps approach from behind. Upright again, she whipped around, expecting to see Cody, only it wasn’t him.

“Zach,” she whispered, her breath catching in her throat.

She didn’t know whether it was the soot covered uniform, the sweat covering his brow or just the fact that she really fucking missed him, but he looked hotter than ever. She realized then why she hadn’t had a glimpse of him yet. He’d gone back in. That would explain the soot and the messy dark blonde hair now sticking up in all directions.

“What are you doing here?” There was a coldness in his voice she hadn’t heard before.

Oh. God. I did that to him.

“I-I came to see you.” Deep breaths. You can do this. “I heard about the fire on the news, and I came straight down.”

“Why?” Ice cold.

Libby could feel her lower lip trembling. Actually, everything was trembling. “I was worried. I thought ... I was worried something had happened to you. I-I had to see for myself that you were okay.”

“Well, now you’ve seen. Goodnight, Libby.” He turned away and for a moment she couldn’t breathe.

The blankets on her arm hit the ground a second later as she willed herself to move. To go after him. To stop him.

This cannot be how it ends.

“Wait,” she shouted after him.

But his boots were still hitting the pavement, moving him further and further away from her.

“Goddamnit, you’re really gonna make me run, aren’t you?” she mumbled under her breath as she picked up the pace.

When she finally reached him, she had to pull at his arm to make him stop.

“What, Libby?” he snapped. “What do you want from me?” He spun around, giving her an up-close look at the anger feeding his frown lines.

“You,” was all she managed to say.


You can do this. Come on, spit it out.

When she didn’t reply, he got ready to walk away again. She couldn’t have that. “I want you,” she blurted. Or more like shouted.

Those blue eyes narrowed on her, mistrust hitting her right in the gut.

“What do you mean you want me, Libby? If you’re looking for a quick fuck, I’m not interested.”


“I guess I deserved that.” Tucking her hair behind one ear, she tried to gather her thoughts. The words she’d had in her head for days were all disjointed and out of order. She’d have to dig deep and hope for the best that she made sense. “You were never a quick fuck, Zach, and I think you know that.”

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