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Firefighters arrived at the Woodvalley Movie Theater on Castle Street at six twenty-five local time after receiving reports of heavy smoke coming from the roof of the building.

An evacuation is underway to get everyone out as quickly and safely as possible. However, as many as ten casualties have already been reported, including two firefighters.

We’ll keep you updated as we learn more.

Libby watched in horror as the news reporter disappeared from her television screen. She was out of her seat a second later, phone shoved into the pocket of her jeans and keys in hand. She couldn’t get out of there quick enough. Before she knew it, she was buckled into the car and pushing down on the gas.

The drive over to the movie theater was a blur. She was on autopilot. She knew if she stopped to listen to what was going on in her head, she never would have made it.

It was chaos when she arrived. Police, ambulances and terrified locals hovering behind police tape. Smoke clouds penetrated the air as black ash filled her nostrils.

Squeezing her way through the crowd she finally reached the tape, and started scanning. Libby knew the chances of seeing Zach were pretty damn low, but it didn’t stop her heart from hoping. He was the only person she wanted to see.

Just when she thought she’d have to do something drastic, she spotted Cody. She’d actually forgotten he was a cop. She only had to yell out his name a couple of times before he noticed her. Despite his puzzled expression, he made his way over.

“Libby, what are you doing here?”

“Is Zach okay? Please tell me he’s okay. I saw on the news two firefighters are hurt ... just please tell me he’s alright?” If Cody hadn’t already seen the desperation pouring out of her, he would have heard it in her voice.

“Shit. Come on.” Cody lifted the tape and guided her under it. He then took her arm and started to lead her off to the side. “Zach’s fine.”

She finally let out the breath she’d been holding. He’s okay. Thank God.

“We’re short on EMTs so he’s been helping out. Look, things are still pretty hectic. By the looks of it, they will be here for a while. You sure you want to wait around? I can pass a message to him if that’s easier?”

Pass a message. Was he joking? “Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll wait however long.”

He turned to face her, a wary look in his eyes. “Listen, Libby, I know you’re worried about him. I get that. But I know what went down with you two ... so I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t say my peace. Especially now, with all this going on.” He gestured to the commotion behind them.

“Say what you need to say, Cody.”

“He loves you.” Even hearing those words from someone else hit her hard. “I’m not gonna lie, watching him this past week has been fucking painful. The man’s a wreck. So, I’m not sure seeing you right now is gonna do him any favors. Two of his crew are down, Libby. He’s probably worried sick as it is, and I don’t want any added stress put on him. You get what I’m saying?”

She got it alright. Loud and clear. But that still didn’t mean she was leaving.

“I need to see him, Cody. I promise you I’m not here to hurt him. Or to stress him out. I’ll wait as long as it takes. That being said, why don’t you put me to work. I can help wherever you need me.”

A stare down commenced. Libby defiantly crossed her arms over her chest and waited him out. She wasn’t going anywhere. The sooner he realized that, the better.

It didn’t take as long as she thought it would, because only seconds passed before he was letting out a frustrated groan. It seemed he’d got the message.

“Follow me.” He turned and she quickly followed behind him. Damn, the man walked fast. “We’ve established a safe zone for people being evacuated. Until everyone can be checked out they’ll need blankets, water and we have oxygen for people who need it. I’ll show you where everything is.”

She nodded even though he couldn’t see her and dutifully followed him until they reached the supplies.

“Keep an eye out for open wounds and issues with breathing and flag them to the nearest EMT, okay?”

“Okay. Yes. Got it,” Libby agreed as she rolled up her sleeves.

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