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He pulled back before he was ready, knowing if he didn’t, he never would. They were both panting. Breathless. His chest feeling heavier than it ever had before.

Like a magnet, his forehead met hers. He couldn’t walk away without trying one last time. Letting his eyes close again, he memorised the feel of her breath sinking into his skin.

“I can’t convince you not to be scared. I know it’s scary. That’s what love is. Giving your heart to someone, and hoping like hell they won’t break it. If you give me that chance, I promise, I’ll do everything in my power to keep it safe. To love you. Everyday. The way you deserve to be loved.”

“I don’t want to lose you.” Back was the tremble. He couldn’t take it.

“You don’t have to. We’ll take it slow, baby. One step at a time. All I’m asking for right now is an acknowledgement. Everyone else knows I’m yours and you’re mine, I just need you to know it too. To say it. Out loud. Please, that’s all I need.”

As soon as he felt her head shake against his, he knew it was over. If she couldn’t even do this, what hope did they have?

“I need more time.” Her shaky words broke him.

Planting a soft kiss on her forehead, he stepped away. He had to. It was only after he’d retrieved his keys from the coffee table that he faced her again. One last time.

“Then take it. But until you know what you want, we can’t do this anymore. I can’t do this anymore.”

Zach watched realization spark in Libby’s eyes. But she didn’t speak. Didn’t fight. That was when he knew it was over.

“Goodbye, princess.”

Turning around, he went straight to the front door, and left before he could change his mind.


Libby felt like she’d been hit by a truck. It had been almost a week since Zach had walked out on her, but the feeling of being stabbed in the chest was still going strong.

She’d finally worked up the strength to call Cat last night and tell her what had happened. She must have still sounded like an absolute wreck because her friend had been so worried about her that she’d booked a flight over. She’d be here in two weeks. But that upset her more. Her best friend was finally coming to visit but she wouldn’t even be able to enjoy it, because she felt like this.

Work had also been a nightmare. She’d tried her hardest to focus on her projects but bursting into tears every five minutes didn’t exactly do much for her productivity levels. It had gotten so bad, she’d decided to outsource some of her work so she could take some time off.

Loud bangs coming from downstairs made her heart jump. Who the hell was knocking on her door? She hadn’t ordered any takeout yet, and she certainly wasn’t expecting company. If she had been, she would have at least made sure she looked less gutter rat and more sad but functional human.

Hoping whoever it was would go away, she threw the bed cover back over her head. She just wanted to cry in peace. Was that too much to ask?

Eventually, the banging stopped. But it wasn’t quiet for long. Her phone had other ideas and started pinging up a storm.

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