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The man just laughed. For a long time. While Libby buried her head in her hands, annoyed. And a little turned on. Which only made her more annoyed.

“I’m sorry.” Sorry, he was not. “I’m not near anyone, you don’t need to worry about that. Ever. Trust me. I’m too much of a jealous bastard to let anyone hear about our sex life. It’s yours and mine alone, baby.”

That was a relief at least. But she really did need to get off the phone before she had a stroke. This conversation was not good for her nerves.

As long as you’re not being dramatic.

“Well, thanks for the heart attack. Good talk. I’m gonna go back to work now.”

“Wait.” Libby ignored the lump in her throat. “I really am looking forward to seeing you. I’ve missed you. And I’ve not been able to stop thinking about you since I left you in bed on Tuesday morning.”

Why? Why did he have to go and melt her insides like that? And make her miss him even more than she already did. Especially when she already missed him a lot. Like, a stupid amount.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Zach.”

“See you tomorrow, princess.”


Three weeks later, and the relationship between Libby and Zach had intensified. The sex had only gotten better. Which was really saying something, because it was pretty damn good to begin with. The bond between them had also grown. Which was slightly concerning, all things considered.

Now it was the weekend and for the first time in a long time, she felt lost. Since she’d been hooking up with Zach, they’d spent every weekend together. Actually, they’d spent all four of his days off together for weeks, even if some of those days were technically her workdays. But this weekend he was working. Which meant she wouldn’t be seeing him until Monday night.

This was a new feeling for Libby. She’d spent her whole life alone. And that was okay, because she preferred it that way. She liked her own company, and it was definitely easier than dealing with other people. Sure, she’d had friends. People she occasionally hung out with. But the truth was, until she met Cat, she’d never really been that close to another person, apart from her mother.

Now, not only did she have Cat, but she also had Zach and Rachel. So, naturally, she blamed her newfound connections for this new emotion bubbling inside of her. An emotion that felt something like loneliness. She’d been so distracted by actual social plans since she’d arrived in Woodvalley that now she didn’t have any, she literally didn’t know what to do with herself.

Some kind of introvert you are.

If her subconscious didn’t like that, it really wasn’t going to like what she was about to do next. Pushing up from the couch, she went in search of her phone, which she eventually found on the kitchen counter. Scrolling straight to Rachel’s name, she quickly wrote out a text.

Libby: Hey! You working today? Need any help?

At this point, she didn’t care if she sounded desperate. She was. As she waited for that familiar ding, she used the time to make herself another coffee.

It wasn’t until Libby had sat back down with her drink that her phone chimed with a reply.

Rachel: Hey, sugar, let me guess – Zach’s at work?

Libby: Maybe. Does that make me a horrible friend?

Rachel: No, it makes you human. Come on down, there’s a lemon biscuit cupcake with your name on it.

Libby: :) Yay! I’ll be down in a bit. I actually dreamt I was swimming in a sea made out of cupcakes the other night. It was weird. And probably your fault.

Rachel: Hey, don’t put your crazy on me, girl. Now get your ass over here, I need some help decorating a batch of cookies.

She didn’t have to ask her twice. Cake and cookies. That was Libby’s idea of a good time. Introvert or not.


After a quick change and an even quicker drive, Libby arrived at Fairy Baked. Greeted with a big hug from her new friend, she had to admit hanging out with Rachel was better than binge watching The Bachelor.

“Damn, girl, you’re glowing!” Rachel giggled as she walked them both back behind the counter.

“What are you talking about?”

“You know what I’m talking about. Your I’m getting some on the regular glow.”

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