Page 47 of Toasted

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Libby’s head dipped back down. Her gaze averted. And she remained quiet. So quiet, he knew something was on her mind.

“What is it, darlin’?”

“Nothing,” she lied.

“Nothing? Really?”

That was it. It was time to tickle the truth out of her. Easily flipping her over, he commenced his attack, running his fingers along her sides.

“No! Stop! Oh my God, stop! I’m gonna pee!” she screamed as she squirmed and pushed and giggled. “Okay, okay, I give! Stop, please! I can’t!”

He loomed over her, his grin stretching so wide it was bound to hurt soon. God, she was gorgeous. She even had a glow about her. A light that seeped out every time she smiled.

“I’m waiting,” he joked as one of his hands hovered over her sensitive spots. “You gonna tell me what had you going quiet on me ... or am I gonna have to tickle you some more?”

After a sassy eye roll and an exaggerated sigh, she conceded. “Okay, but you’re not allowed to get mad at me.”

“I promise, princess.” As if that were possible.

“Well, I guess, to me ... it sounds a bit like emotional blackmail.”

Although he’d been thinking the same thing, it was hard to hear it from someone else. Schooling his features, he urged her to continue.

“I remember you saying how he was disappointed when you decided to leave. But he didn’t stop you. And now, all of a sudden, he tells you the ranch is yours, that he needs you, that only you can fix the ranch that you haven’t worked on for fifteen years? I just don’t buy it. Your brothers work seven days a week on that ranch, have done all their lives, they know that business inside out. No offence – you could be a financial whizz for all I know – but come on, it doesn’t sound fishy to you? No alarm bells are ringing?”

Everything she said had been everything he’d been thinking. But hearing it all out loud made him feel sick.

Slumping back down onto the mattress, he turned on his side. She did the same, until they were facing each other. Her hand then went straight to his hip where she lightly stroked. It was her way of trying to comfort him.

They both stayed quiet for a while. Something Zach appreciated as he tried his best to organise his thoughts.

When he did finally speak, there was no mistaking the helplessness in his voice.

“Yeah, I get what you’re saying, baby. I just don’t know what to do. I love my job. I don’t want to quit. But that ranch is my whole family’s livelihood. If something happened to it that I could have prevented ... I just don’t know that I could ever forgive myself.”

“I get that.” Libby continued to stroke him, her glides venturing further up his side before dropping back down again. “But, y’know, there are other ways you can help without quitting your job.”

“Like?” He’d take any advice he could get.

“Well, if it were me, I would start by talking to my brothers. Getting their opinion and maybe coming up with some sort of game plan to help secure the future of the business. They know it best, after all. Then, if I had some money I could invest in the business, I’d do that. Or if I didn’t have any or what I had wasn’t enough, I’d look at other ways I could help financially. Like, moving back home and putting the money I save in rent back into the business. You never know, little things like that could make all the difference.”

Damn. Beauty and brains. He’d never even considered other ways he could help financially. What she was saying made sense; quitting his job should be a last resort. And he agreed, talking to his brothers couldn’t be put off any longer. He needed to man up and go over there. He couldn’t do this on his own. He shouldn’t have to.

“You’re right. I kind of wish I’d talked to you earlier.” Capturing the hand that was already on him, he tugged. Then tugged again. Until she fell into him. He pulled her nearer still, until soft skin pressed against his. Dropping a kiss to her forehead, he thanked her.

“I’m smarter than I look, huh?” she joked as he held on tight.

“I don’t know, you look pretty smart to me.” He felt his lips curve into a smile. “Especially when you wear those sexy work glasses of yours. Speaking of which ... maybe you can bring those things up here and model them for me?”

“Perv,” she declared, despite snuggling further into him.

His chest tightened as she purred against him. He wanted to pinch himself. Check that she was real. This was real. It felt too good. And that scared him.

“Seriously though, thank you,” he repeated. “You’re right, I do need to talk to my brothers first. I can’t keep putting it off. I’ll drive down there tomorrow. Get it over with.”

“Want me to come with you?” Her voice was slightly muffled as she spoke into his chest.

“You’d do that?”

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