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Work had been kicking Libby’s ass all week. One unhappy client had meant she’d been working on just their site for so long, other clients were getting left behind.

The one good thing about being swamped at work was that she’d been distracted. Meaning she didn’t have time to overanalyze all the messages Zach had been sending. From selfies to “I miss you” texts, you name it, she’d received it.

The real tragedy though was that she loved it. All of it. She loved the attention. Loved the pictures. And loved the warmth that spread over her like a wildfire when she saw his name pop up on her phone.

Let yourself be happy for once, remember?

She needed the reminder. Especially now. It was Thursday, in five minutes Zach would finish his shift and then have four days off. The original plan was to see each other tomorrow. But Libby had other ideas. She missed him too much. So, she’d decided to throw caution to the wind and take a chance. This chance involved a visit to the fire station to surprise him. And hopefully take him home.

All she had to do now was work up the courage to go inside. Which was taking much longer than expected.

You can do this, Libby. He tells you how much he likes you every day, he’s not gonna be pissed you’re here. He’ll be happy. You won’t get rejected.

She really hoped that was true.

Flipping down the visor mirror, she checked her makeup for the millionth time. But it was fine. Just like it had been five minutes ago. Probably because she’d spent an awfully long time getting ready. She’d curled her hair to near perfection, expertly applied her eyeliner and was wearing the tightest dress she owned.

It was official, she’d lost her mind. But it was too late to question her sanity. She was there and she was definitely going to get out of her car.

In a minute.

It only took two more pep talks before she climbed out. Slowly, she approached the station, ignoring the rhythmic clinking of her boots against the cobblestone, the sound now echoing around the eerily quiet parking lot.

Inhaling a calming breath, she entered the building, totally unprepared for the stares that greeted her.

It’s fine, I’ve got this. I think. Maybe.

A few appreciative whistles signaled her outfit's success. Nonetheless, as she scanned the room, there was no sign of Zach.

“Can I help you, darlin’?” A tall and rather wide man, with dark hair, drawled as he sauntered over, casually wiping his hands with what appeared to be an old rag.

“I’ll be happy to help with anything she wants,” another man joked to the others.

“Get in line, man. What’s up, sweetheart?” yet another man hollered.

She was starting to feel like she’d been thrown to the wolves.

Deciding Old Rag Man looked the most trustworthy, she turned to him. “Uh, I’m looking for Zach?”

The man’s already wide grin grew bigger. “You’re Zach’s girl?”

Straight away she wanted to deny it. She wasn’t anyone’s girl. But something stopped her. Maybe it was the way the other guys were looking at her. Or maybe she just wasn’t in the mood to debate misogynistic labels with a bunch of firefighters. Luckily, she didn’t have to decide. Zach was finally in sight. And he looked pissed.

Shit. Is he angry I’m here?

“Wanna put your eyes back in your socket, Dave, before I find another use for them?” Zach growled as he continued to stomp over to her.

Once he reached her, instead of the romantic embrace she was expecting, he clasped her elbow and practically dragged her into a room just off of the main floor.

Oh dear.

The slam of the door made her jump, but it was the expression on his face that was making her the most nervous.

“Are you okay? You’ve gone all red.” And he had. Like a tomato.

“Have you lost your mind?” He whipped his head around to face her. “Turning up here, looking like that?”

Well, yeah, she kind of had. And it was all his fault.

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