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Reluctantly releasing Libby’s lips, Zach kept hold of her hip as his mouth traveled up to her forehead, where he pressed another kiss.

He was still breathing hard when he chanced a look in Wade’s direction. Instead of a smirk, like he was expecting, his brother was sporting a glare. But it wasn’t directed at him. Zach followed his gaze to a burly man just four rows in front of them.

Son of a bitch.

Matt’s old trainer. The motherfucker that convinced his little brother to ride with three broken ribs. Glancing back over at Wade, he knew straightaway what was going through his head. Four years ago, he’d thought the exact same thing. Which was why he needed to get his brother out of there. Now.

“Princess.” Libby’s concerned eyes met his immediately. “We have to go. I’m gonna have to explain later why ... but it’s important we leave. I’m sorry. I know you wanted to see the bull riders.”

He hated that he was taking something away from her.

She was quick to nod, even throwing her bag over her shoulder. “Of course. Yes. I’m ready.”

No questions. Just trust. He’d let that sink in later, once he’d dealt with the situation at hand.

“Wade.” He waited for his brother to look at him. When he did, the sneer and gritted teeth didn’t go unnoticed. “Let’s go.”

“No,” was all he said.

Zach looked to Carter, silently asking for his help.

He couldn’t hear what Carter said to his brother, but he could see Wade’s shoulders slump at his words.

Zach could tell his brother needed some time. So he waited. And then waited some more. At least two more riders competed before Wade was ready to leave the arena. It didn’t matter though. What mattered was that they got out of there before anything went down.

After waving off Carter, they all piled back into Wade’s truck. This time though, he didn’t let Libby sit between them.

Once he was sure there was no longer steam coming from Wade’s ears, he opened his mouth. “You good?”

Not taking his eyes off the road ahead of them, his brother was quiet for so long he didn’t think he was going to reply.

“No, man, I’m not good,” he said eventually. “Goddamnit, I’m this fucking close to turning this truck around and doing what I should’ve done four years ago.”

Zach didn’t need the hand gesture to know just how close he was. That was the reason he got them all out of there. Fast.

Despite the tension now filling the cab, Libby was a shining light filtering out the darkness. Curling her hand over his, he welcomed the comfort and let the warmth wash over him.

“Beating the shit outta Max won’t change what happened.”

“It would sure as hell make me feel better though. That fucker almost killed Matt. Killed him, Zach!” Wade barked back as his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

“I know, man. I was there. I remember. But me bailing your ass out of jail ain’t gonna change what happened. It’s not gonna get Matt back on the circuit. And it sure as shit ain’t gonna do anything but ruin our goddamn day.”

He felt Libby squeeze his hand. He responded by lacing their fingers together until they were holding hands properly. Then, he brought their hands up to rest on his thigh. Having her by his side made him feel strong. Like he could get through anything. And right now, he needed that. More than she would ever know.

“It just isn’t right. His ass needs a good kicking.” The ferocity in his brother’s voice was diminishing. Thank God.

“You’re right. It does. But not from us. He isn’t worth it and you know it. Let karma do its thing, brother, and fuck that guy.”

Wade let out a long and slow exhale. He’d managed to talk him down. Even the tension in the air was starting to dissipate. Now they just had to get through the next hour without his brother changing his mind and turning the truck around.


Anxiety was the last thing Zach needed right now. Not when the woman of his dreams had finally agreed to take things to the next level. But here he was, heart palpitations in full swing while pacing back and forth across Libby’s living room.

They’d arrived back at her house five minutes ago and he was yet to take a seat. He was feeling restless. Pent up. And he was doing a seriously shit job of hiding it.

After offering an array of drinks, all of which he declined, Libby had taken a seat on the couch. Like him, her feelings were on full display. Concern being the most prominent emotion glistening in her big eyes.

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