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“Sure thing. What time should I pick you up?”

“I can drive,” she reminded him.

“I know. So, what time shall I pick you up?”

There was no point arguing, so after a huff for dramatic effect, she gave in. “Around lunchtime, I guess. Say, about one?”

“I can’t wait. You can tell me all about your week. I really have been thinking about you. I’ve missed you. More than I should probably admit.”

“I missed you too,” she whispered, surprised she’d actually admitted that out loud. To herself. And to him.

“You don’t know how happy that makes me to hear you say that. To know that you’re feeling what I’m feeling.”

The panic was real. And it was already making her sweat. She needed to get off the phone. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Zach.”

“See you tomorrow, princess. Sweet dreams.”

As Libby hung up the call, she raised her hand to halt Rachel before she could even start. It seemed like her friend was on the brink of exploding. “Nope. I don’t wanna talk about it. Not tonight.”

She’d admitted far too much today. She didn’t have the mental capacity to admit anything else.

Rachel nodded in understanding. “Want some more cake?”

Was that a real question?


Rachel had been annoyingly right. Libby had already changed nine times and she still wasn’t sure she liked her outfit. The light blue flowered dress seemed like a good idea at the time but now she was wondering if it was too short. Especially for a church fair.

Just as she was considering going upstairs and changing again, her doorbell rang. It was too late.

As she swung the door open, she was immediately greeted with a, “Hi, princess.”

The dress was the last thing on her mind now. She had other things to worry about. Like Zach looking mighty fine in her doorway in knee-length camo shorts, a fitted white t-shirt, holding a bouquet of flowers.

Wait, why did he have flowers?

“These are for you.” He passed the bright pink roses over to her.

Fragrant floral notes hit her nostrils as she brought the bouquet to her chest. “Wow, these are ... beautiful.”

“They reminded me of you.”

There was that cheese again.

And you love it.

Damnit, she did.

“Um, thank you.” She was getting major date vibes. And it was making her even more nervous. “I’ll, uh, go put these in water. Come in.”

That bought her a few minutes to compose herself. Maybe think of something to say without stuttering.

Did you see his abs? Damnit. Focus, Libby.

To be fair, you could see through his t-shirt. It was practically obscene.

When she ventured back into the living room, he’d made himself comfortable on the couch. But she didn’t join him. Instead, she came to a halt next to him, still trying to decide which the better option was: drag him out of her house, or sit down next to him. Both of those options seemed appealing for very different reasons.

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