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The smell of roses permeated the air as he sat down next to her. But it wasn’t just her scent messing with his senses, the feel of her bare thigh pressed against his jeans was not helping the situation.

He tried to play it cool, even as she subtly shuffled closer and blood rushed to some interesting places. That was about the time he realized what exactly was going on.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!

She was doing this on purpose. It was a trap! Was that why she was wearing that dress too? To torture him. Because it was working.

As he twisted to get a glimpse of her, he got his answer. It was true. She was an evil temptress, using her feminine wiles against him. He was fucked.

Last night hadn’t settled anything. Not like he thought it had, anyway. She still wanted to change the terms they’d agreed on. Well, there was no way in hell that was happening. Not without a commitment.

Game on, princess.

Dropping one hand until it disappeared beneath the chunky oak table, he let his fingers slowly drag up her thigh. If her sharp inhale hadn’t given her away, the goosebumps breaking out under his touch would have. And, damn, if that didn’t make his smile a little smugger.

Two can play this game. If she was going to torture him, he was going to torture her right back. Maybe that was the way to get what he wanted. After all, this “friends” thing wasn’t exactly working very well. Mostly because they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

Chatter around the table became background noise as they played. But he didn’t make her suffer for long. There was only so much torment they could both take. Reluctantly moving his hand away, he reached for his burger. But before he’d even taken a bite, Libby’s hand was on his thigh. Dangerously close to the goods.


Mental pep talk on repeat, he tried his hardest to think of something else. Anything else. He desperately needed a distraction from the intense throbbing now pulsating in his pants.

Come on, think, damnit.

Why was he drawing a blank? All he could think about was the feel of Libby’s delicate fingers sliding up and down the length of his inner thigh. She was getting closer and closer to his junk with every upward stroke.

Stay strong. Remember, she wants you just as much as you want her.

In the name of pretending that her touch wasn’t setting his whole body on fire, he picked his burger back up and proceeded to eat. There might have been some wincing, but he was convinced he’d hidden it well. After swallowing down his food, he took a chug of his beer and then kicked it up a notch by joining a conversation opposite him. It was taking place between Luke and his brother Wade.

Just when he thought his self-control had won out, Libby’s hand reached its final destination. And let’s just say, she received a warm welcome.

Oh holy Jesus.

“What d’ya think, Zach?” Wade asked again. Who the hell knew what he was saying at this point.

“Oh, uh, um ...” This cannot be happening. His brain had actually stopped working. Where were coherent sentences when you needed them? “Uh ... um ... I ...”

“I think what he’s trying to say is, that sounds like a great idea,” Libby gleefully chirped from beside him.


“Yeah?” The grin on his brother’s face was bordering on suspicious.

“Oh yeah.” Libby once again answered for him. Which was lucky because she still hadn’t moved her goddamn hand away. And instead of caring about what they were talking about, all he could think about was begging her to keep it there. “You’ve got next weekend off right, Zach?” She looked to him and then to Wade. “Is there one on then?”


“I think there just might be, darlin’.” Wade turned to Zach. “Let’s do Saturday. You guys should come by here first thing, and I’ll drive us on over.”

“Uh, sure,” Zach choked out, hoping like hell he’d not just agreed to something he’d regret.

Before he had a chance to find out where exactly he was going next weekend, it seemed he was needed elsewhere. His father stood beside him moments later, leaning down and speaking into his ear.

“Once you’ve finished up, I’d appreciate a word. In my study.” That was all his dad said before disappearing back into the house. He hadn’t even waited for an answer.

What the hell was going on today?

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