Page 26 of Toasted

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“I’m sorry. That was out of line.” She could not only hear his sincerity, but she could see it in his stare. “It won’t happen again. I swear.”

Disappointment churned in her gut. She wanted him to remind her of what happened. Not because she would ever forget. No. It was so he could remember. After all, there was still a chance he could change his mind. Then they could drop this whole friendship act and stop pretending they didn’t want to rip each other’s clothes off.

It was a win-win situation. They could both scratch their itch until it was out of their systems, then she could go back to her introverted existence in peace.

Taking that into account, she decided to poke the bear. “Best damn kiss of your life?”

A smile curled up Zach’s lips. Sincerity was quickly replaced by pure heat. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Makes you wonder if we’re cut out for this whole friend thing ... doesn’t it?” She was playing with fire. That’s what she was doing. And she hadn’t even been drinking.

“That it does, princess. You thinking of accepting my offer to take you out on a date?”

“No. Are you thinking of accepting my offer?” Her own eyebrow quirked up at the sight of his raised arch.

That’s right. There was no point beating around the bush. She wanted no strings. Maybe it was time she started pushing for it. Friendship be damned. Besides, there were plenty of other people she could be friends with in this town. Ones she didn’t want to sleep with. Like cake shop lady. They were practically besties already.

“Your offer, huh? I seem to remember you giving me two choices. Sex or friendship. I’m happy with my choice, but something tells me you’re not.”

No shit. “And if I wasn’t?”

“Well, if you weren’t, there’s always a third option.”

Libby scoffed, already knowing where this was going. “Let me guess ... dating?”

“Well, that way we both get what we want.” Zach shrugged. “You get the sex and I get the friendship.”

“Yeah, like you don’t want the sex, Zach.” She rolled her eyes, and he had the audacity to laugh.

They were clearly both as stubborn as each other. Maybe she was going about this all wrong. The attraction between them certainly wasn’t one sided. She just needed to exploit his attraction to her until he gave in. How much willpower could he possibly have?

“On second thought, Zach, I would like to dance.” Before he had a chance to respond, she was out of her seat, offering him her hand.

By the look on his face, it was safe to say he knew exactly what she was up to. But he rose anyway, grasping her hand and leading them onto the dimly lit dancefloor. Taking them into the midst of the other couples who were not so subtly rubbing against each other, he pulled her close. One hand landed on his chest, while the other, now free, settled on his waist. His own hands cradled her hips and helped them sway to the rhythm.

As she lifted her head up to meet his gaze, she started to second guess herself. She initiated this. She wanted to exploit his attraction. Yet here she was, putty in his hands.

Come on, Libby. You can do this. Don’t let him turn this around on you.

Needing to take control, if only to stop the voices in her head, she snaked her hands around Zach’s neck. A gentle tug dipped his head down toward her. Her own head tipped back until their mouths were just a breath away from each other.

His eyes flared as she stared into him, he made no effort to hide from her. It was clear what he wanted. But he did nothing about it. So she got closer. With each step, she pressed her curves against his, creating an electrifying friction.

“You think one dance is gonna change my mind?”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Sure you don’t.”

Proving once again how not in control Libby was, Zach’s fingers drifted up and down the length of her back, igniting a trail of anticipation in their wake. Next, he tilted his head, bringing his mouth to her ear. As his hot breath hit her, much to her dismay, her body responded. And he definitely noticed.

“If you think for one second that I don’t want to peel off this hot little dress of yours and bury myself so deep inside of you that every breath you take is a gasp of my name. Then you’re wrong.”

Fuck me. Literally.

She tried desperately to remain composed as he continued his verbal onslaught.

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