Page 84 of Relinquish

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“Damn.” I frown and place my hand over his. “The little guy is a pain in the ass. It’s a good thing we only have three weeks left until I see his cute button nose in person because he’s moody.”

“Sounds like someone else I know.” He chuckles and threads his hands into my hair. “I’ve missed this gorgeous mouth of yours.”

“Then don’t neglect it.” I fall deeper in love with him. It should be impossible, but each day, I sell another piece of my soul to the devil.

“Babe, I won’t.” He fists my hair. “I told Truman I’m not going out in the field for a while.”

“Is he okay with it?” My heart skips a beat as his mouth nears mine.

“He understands. Family comes first.”

I stand on my tiptoes and leap into the fray, almost forgetting to come up for air and remember where we are.


Five Months Later


“Stella, are you sure you’re okay with this?” I traipse across the living room with Nicholas in my arms and two diaper bags on my shoulder. I’ve got four sets of clothes, diapers, teething rings, a snot sucker, some diaper wipes, a couple of stuffed animals, and a kitchen sink in here. You can’t be too prepared.

“Of course, I’m okay with this.” She wipes her hands on a dishtowel and lays it over her shoulder.

I pull Nicholas closer to my side and survey the room for hidden dangers. The coffee table edges are too sharp. I should have brought the cushion guards. The windows. I wrinkle my nose. “The curtains. The pulldowns need to be tied up.”

“Cade, he’s four months old and can only roll over. He’s not going to run over to the curtains and swing from the ropes.”

“Fine.” I drop the bags into the coffee table.

Lola breezes through the door wearing a sundress and her hair pulled up into a loose bun. Several tendrils of hair curl down along her neck. “Hello, Stella.”

“Sweetheart.” Stella beams, rushes across the living room floor, and pulls Lola into her arms. “You look beautiful today.”

“Thank you.”

“Now, don’t worry about a thing. I’ve taken care of more boys than you ever will.” She pats Lola’s back and steps to the side. They both turn and stare.

“I’m fine.” I glare at the two of them and lift Nicholas out in front of me. His enormous blue eyes stare at me with complete adoration and trust. He’s the perfect baby. He poops too much, doesn’t sleep enough, and has peed in my face twice. But I wouldn’t trade him for anything.

“Sweet boy, you be good. Okay?” He grins, and a line of drool slides out of his lips. What asshole leaves his kid and never sees him again? I’ll never understand how my father left and never came back. Nicholas will never have to worry about that. This is the first time we’ve left him for more than a couple of hours.

“He’ll be fine.” Stella marches over and snatches him from my hands. “Come here, big boy. Grandma can’t wait to get her greedy hands on you. I won’t put you down all day, and I’ll smother you with kisses.”

Well, when she puts it like that, I raise my eyebrows and give Lola a wolfish grin. We can all have a good day.

“Stop it.” She flushes and crosses her arms over her chest. God, it’s so adorable that she doesn’t want Stella to know what we’re leaving to do.

“Honey.” Stella pats her arm. “Go home and enjoy the day.”


“Not going shopping.” I grab her hand and kiss the back of her skin. “We’re going home so I can hold you all day and smother you with kisses.”

“Gawd.” She shudders, and her breath quickens.

“The doctor gave you permission to return to sexual activity, right?” Stella holds Nicholas in the crook of her arm as he studies us.

Don’t fall for it. Don’t stare at those cute eyes and take him back home. We’ve had plans for the last three nights to have sex, and he’s interrupted each attempt. Not that we haven’t worked in a quickie or ten, but I want to feast on her. To drive her past the point of no return. To show her how much I worship her and have fallen more in love with her as she cares for our son.

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