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You’re perfect the way you are.


OMG. You just melted my panties.

Reading her message, I can mentally picture the slight pink blush creeping up her neck as she sends the racy text.


Just wait until later and I’ll melt a lot more than that.


Can we skip the night out and get right to that?


Nope. I want to take your gorgeous ass out before I spend the night worshiping you.


I can’t argue with those plans.


I’ll see you soon.

My little Fate is goddamn perfect in every way, and I’m ready to tie her gorgeous little ass to me for life. Adam’s impromptu invitation is the ideal chance to make sure all the gossips in this nosy town know it. I pat my pocket to ensure the engagement ring is still there, running through my plan one more time to make sure I haven’t overlooked anything.

Now that I’ve met the girl who owns me, heart and soul, I don’t plan to let the grass grow under my feet.

Ginni and I step into the Park Avenue Bar, the noise level hitting us like a wave. The place is packed, buzzing with excitement and energy. It’s the last round of NBA playoff games, and the atmosphere crackles with anticipation. Every screen in the bar is tuned to the game, already in the throes of pre-game coverage.

I feel Ginni's hand tighten in mine as we navigate through the crowd, making our way toward the back corner where Sullivan and Adam have claimed a table.

"There they are," I say, spotting Sullivan's head over the throng. He already looks bored.

Adam, on the other hand, is on his feet, waving us down with his usual exuberance. "Sterling! Ginni! Over here!"

We weave through the crowded space, exchanging greetings with curious faces, and I have no doubt the Silver Spoon Falls grapevine is already buzzing.

"Hey, finally!" Adam exclaims as we reach the table.

He reaches to pull Ginni in for a hug, but I step between them. “Touch my woman and I’ll break your arms.”

"Damn," Adam says, blinking several times before glancing over at Sullivan. "He’s got it bad."

Sullivan smirks, looking between Ginni and me. "He’s never been good at sharing."

"And I’m not about to start now," I growl, wrapping my arm protectively around Ginni and pulling her close.

At the next table, two middle-aged women watch us with rapt fascination. “It’s the reporter and the billionaire we read about in the Silver Spoon Single Serve this morning,” one of them gasps. “I love this town.”

“I know.” The fifty-ish redhead chuckles. “It’s better than reading romance books.”

“If you say so.” The first one shrugs and turns back to stare at us.

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