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I lean back in my chair, the cool leather squeaking slightly in the quiet of my office. Ginni insisted on going to work to tie up some loose ends, so I figured I'd do the same. But if I'm being honest, I'm not getting a damn thing done. My mind keeps drifting, consumed by thoughts of her.

Sullivan sits across from me, going on and on about the new ride we've been working on, completely oblivious to my wandering thoughts. I'm only catching snippets here and there. Something about the hydraulic system specs, the dimensions for structural supports—important stuff, I know, but my head is somewhere else.

"...ensuring the safety harnesses meet the latest industry standards," Sullivan says, his eyes still glued to his laptop. He's in full geek-out mode, and normally, I'd be paying close attention to business, but today is a bust.

I nod absently, hoping it's at the right moments. I know I should focus, but every time I try, my thoughts veer back to Ginni. Her laugh, the way she scrunches her nose when she's deep in thought, the way her luscious body melts against mine—it all plays in a loop in my mind.

The door swings open suddenly, breaking my semi-trance, and Adam strolls in with his trademark grin. "Sterling, Sullivan, how’s the hard work going?" he asks, with that unmistakable energy that seems endless.

"We're going over the specs for the new ride," I say, gesturing vaguely to the scattered blueprints. "Well, Sullivan is. I'm not much help today."

Sullivan finally looks up from his laptop and glares at me. “I knew you were being way too goddamn agreeable.”

Adam leans against the doorframe and glances at Sullivan. "You'll fry your brain if you keep this up.” Then he glances over at me. “And Sterling is miles away, not listening to a thing you’re saying, so why don’t we cut out a little early? A little birdy told me that the Park Avenue Bar in Silver Spoon Falls is going all out for the playoffs. We can go check it out and see what all the fuss is about."

Sullivan looks up from his laptop, eyes flashing with a hint of amusement. "Why not? It’s not like my brother is here to work anyway."

"Exactly," Adam retorts. "Sterling definitely needs something. Look at him; he’s practically drooling and Ginni isn’t even here."

I flip him off while my plan comes together in my mind. "I think it's a great idea. I'm going to pick up Ginni and bring her with me."

Sullivan's eyes narrow suspiciously. "What are you up to?"

I plaster an innocent expression on my face. "Who, me?"

"Yes, you," Sullivan replies drily, giving me a once-over. "Meeting Ginni has scrambled your brain."

"You have no fucking idea,” I grumble more to myself than anyone else.

While Sullivan packs up all his shit, I text my girl.


Sullivan and Adam are going to watch the NBA playoffs at the Park Avenue Bar. They invited us. Would you like to go?


I’m not much of a sports fan, but you go and have a good time.


Please come with me. I promise to make it worth your while.


How can I refuse?


That’s my girl. I’ll pick you up in an hour.


Can we make it an hour and a half? I need to run home and freshen up and change.

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