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“It ends when they get older… No, wait. It never goes away. She’ll be sixty, false teeth, gray hair hanging in her face, changing your diapers and still needing you.”

Of course, I thought it would be a great idea to take a drink while she was talking. I knew better. Laughing while swallowing only made one hack up a lung to be able to breathe. Not one to fret over my breathing, she just kept right on going.

“She’ll be mashing your peas and carrots up for you, wanting advice about her own kids, her husband’s lack of a sex drive. So many things.”

“Stop. Talking,” I wheezed. The laughter I was holding back had me shaking. Why was I friends with her? Oh yeah, ‘cause I loved the crazy loon.

“Sorry. Here, here.” She patted my back, grinning. “Don’t choke. Or die. I have two of my own kids, I’m not taking over yours too. That’s not how this friendship works. I go first. I want it to be so. But not until I’m ninety-seven and a half. Yes, that half counts. Don’t ask any questions.”

With that, she stalked out of the office, her tinkling laughter following her like a cape.

I wiped my mouth with a Kleenex before pulling the manuscript I had been working on earlier toward me. I could do this on the computer, but I found having the printed MS in hand, to soak in, made the process all the more real for me. Easier to navigate as well. I kicked my heels off, put my feet up on the chair next to the desk, and pulled a notebook closer. I had a pencil, red pen, and a stack of sticky notes ready.

Time to get back to it. Work waited for no one.

Two Months Later

“Congratulations again, Thomas!” I hugged the short, slightly pudgy man tight. He’d just signed a contract, with the help of his lawyers and a business advisor, for the rights to two of his books. They’d be making the story into a Netflix original feature. To say I was elated for him was putting it lightly. He was one of my first clients. He’d trusted me to make his dreams come true and so far, we, as a team, had managed to surpass his dreams. He was like a brother to me, and I couldn’t be happier for him.

Yes, I got paid to do this for him. I got paid when he did, too. A small percentage of his profit helped me feed and clothe myself and my child. That’s how this worked. A job was a job. No matter what I was doing though, I’d always give it my best. He knew he was getting all I could give and then some.

“I couldn’t have done any of this without you. Thank you so much.”

“My pleasure. Really,” I gushed, grinning ear to ear. “You’ve worked so hard for this.”

“Here, here. Let’s have a celebratory drink.” Danni slid to a stop beside us and leaned in to whisper, “It’s just sparkling grape juice. Shhh, don’t tell the fuddy-duddies over there. I want to make them think we are drinking it up.”

Thomas, used to her shenanigans, laughed, his head falling back as he did. I, too, was laughing.

“Danni, really. Behave, woman!” I took a sip from the flute in my hand, my elation growing.

“I am behaving. So, Thomas, tell me, what’s next?”

“I’m not sure.” He shrugged. “Let me get over the shock of this good news and settle in a bit, then ask me that.”

“Deal.” Danni drained her glass.

“Glad that’s not the real stuff.”

“As if,” she huffed. “I’ll be at my desk if you need me.”

She walked off still muttering to herself. I raised a brow. Crazy lady.

I turned to give Thomas a final goodbye since we were almost at the elevators only to find Mr. Whitman heading my way. He wasn’t alone. A tall, sexy drink of water followed along, chatting with the older man.

“Mommy!” I looked toward the elevator at the sound of my daughter’s chipper squeal.

I bent down and scooped her up as she toddled to me. I took in her fresh baby powder scent. So happy to see her.

I looked up to find my mother. Only it wasn’t her who I found a few feet away from me.

My heart stopped as my brain short-circuited when those blue eyes met mine.

It was him.

My one-night stand.

He was here and coming right at me.

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