Page 93 of Acquisition

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Micah tried to calm him down with little success. "Look, Atticus, we've hit a roadblock. The next best move is to see if we can get any information off Dad's phone. We're working on five-year-old leads here."

"And you want my wife and I to go to a benefit where the man who's been trying to kill her will be."

Lance chimed in. "I hear what you're saying, and I agree it's not ideal. But we need you to get close to him so we can access his phone. We’ll be in and out. They'll hardly know we're there."

Morgan snorted from the corner. "Like your dates?"

Lance growled at her. "Little girl, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about."

With Morgan being fairer than me, you could see when she flushed, and she certainly had a healthy color to her now. How the hell were the two of them still so irritated with each other? I thought they'd squashed it.

Lance asked, “What are you even doing here? Don't you have a class or something?"

"I'm part of the gang,” she said, sounding offended. “In the Winston Isles, Penny and Ariel were telling me that they have like a whole Team Winston Isles thing. We are Team New York."

Atticus growled. "We're not a team, and you're a kid."

Morgan pouted.

"Hey, we are a team," I said to everyone who was there. "And she's not a kid, she's my sister. She has a vested interest in all of this, because if it doesn't work, daddy-bear is going to marry her off."

Morgan winced. "I'm not going to let him do that."

"Me either.” I winked at her. “That's how we got here in the first place."

Atticus pinched the bridge of his nose, and I could see I was losing him.“Whatever you two have cooked up, Morgan can’t be a part of this. Gwen, it’s bad enough that you want to get anywhere near my father.”

Morgan straightened her spine. “For this plan to work, it’ll take all of us. We’ll need to buy Gwen and Lance time to crack his security protocols. Besides, you need someone unsuspecting to pick his pocket.”

I nodded. “Morgan’s right. We need a woman. He’s dismissive of women. I can’t do it obviously, but maybe an employee.”

Morgan laughed. "I can do it.”

Atticus shook his head. “No. Absolutely not.”

“Why not?” Morgan asked. “He doesn’t know me, and we can’t trust anyone else."

Atticus frowned at that. "I'm not sure I like that idea. "

"I’m good with my hands. Let me help,” she whined.

Atticus's gaze skittered to mine, probably knowing exactly why I had insisted that my sister be at this meeting.

"Morgan, I can't let you do that. My father is dangerous on his best day. If he figures out what you’re doing, dangerous won’t begin to describe him."

I shrugged. "She wants to help, Atticus. And honestly, you and I will be busy. Once she lifts the phone, I'll be busy with Lance putting my program on it, and I’ll need you to distract him. Fight with him if necessary. We need another set of hands."

"I can't believe you want to put your sister in danger."

"She won’t be in danger. She's just going to lift one teensy-tiny phone in a whole room full of people. And when we’re done,it’llmake an appearance at lost and found."

He shook his head. "This is already too dangerous."

"Look, if we don't do this, he'll keep coming for us. I don't want to live like this. I want to be free. We are not keeping up two residences forever. That's for damn sure."

Atticus looked pointedly at his brother.

Micah shrugged. "It's not a terrible idea. Obviously, everyone will be there to look out for her."

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