Page 91 of Acquisition

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"Oh, it is. But the kind you sip, not the kind you shoot."

He grinned at her. "Tell me more."

"That's my thing. I love figuring out what people like to drink."

My brother turned to me. "If you hadn't already married her, I would insist you do so right away."

I rolled my eyes. "You wouldn't have to tell me twice."

Morgan frowned at her drink. "Can't I have a Cosmo or something?"

Gwen laughed. "No, no you may not. But I can make you a virgin one."

"I'm eighteen. I do drink, you know."

"Sure, you do. Except you drink bad cheap beer and wine coolers. You haven't developed the palate for anything I could make you yet."

Morgan pouted. "Fine.” Then she turned to me. “What's the latest? When can we spring my sister from prison?" She glanced around, gesturing at the penthouse. "A very nice prison it is, mind you, but my big sister is back. I would very much like to go out with her to dinner without having to completely book out the restaurant and walk with a couple of goons."

"I'm sorry the goons are hindering your movement,” Micah said. But for her safety, we've put a couple of Pierce's men on you too, just to be sure."

I turned to Gwen. "Well, it turns out Micah thinks that you're a genius, Gwen."

She shrugged, cuddling into me. "I mean, everyone knows that."

Lakewood cracked a laugh. Morgan just rolled her eyes, as I kissed Gwen’s forehead.

"Sorry, I was late to the party," Micah said. "But the combination of your algorithm and the script looking for anyone that might have been following Atticus's mother around Montauk was bloody brilliant."

She sat up abruptly, nearly knocking me in the chin. "For real? You found something?"

"Yeah, you better believe it."

For the next twenty minutes, he walked everyone through what he'd found.Lakewood rubbed the back of his neck. "Actually, that guy looks familiar."

"What?" Gwen asked.

Lakewood shook his head. "I don't know, but in my hunt for the good doctor, I think I've seen that guy before. I recognize the tan jacket and hat."

Morgan sat forward. "But how are you going to identify who he is? And wasn't this like five years ago?"

Gwen tried to shift forward, but I kept her glued to my side as I said, "Yeah, a damn full-face picture would be awesome."

"He's out there somewhere,” Micah said. “We just have to figure out who he is."

Morgan piped up. "Is it me, or does he look taller in this picture?"

Gwen frowned, this time shifting away from me so she could take a closer look. Morgan continued, "Right there. See the height of the door? See where he stands against it? In that photo, what's the best guess? Maybe six feet? In this one, barring that the height of the door isn't different, he's taller."

When I looked, I saw that she was onto something.I glanced over at Micah. "Is there a way to tell if she's right?"

"Yeah, but that's more a question for your wife. This is her area of expertise."

Gwen nodded. "Oh yeah, I can put those in 16:22 frameworks." She signaled for Micah to hand her the laptop.

Lakewood just grinned at her. "You, my friend,” he said to me, “Are about to experience wizardry."

Morgan laughed. "Yes, it’s a little freaky knowing how her brain works."

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