Page 88 of Acquisition

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"Mom, after we moved you down here, Tessa vanished."

My mother started rubbing a point in her chest. "Oh no, did he find her? Your father? Did he do something to her?"

How did I tell her? "Not exactly."

"I told her about him and how if she ever saw him, she needed to run in the other direction."

"Well, that advice was sound. The only problem is, we think she's been working with him for the last five years. Which is why you got better when we brought you down here."

She shook her head. "No. No."

"Yes, Mom. She's vanished. Her address doesn't exist. She was using an alias. She's not real. She has vanished off the face of the earth. At least for now."

"Why does he hate me so much?"

"Because he's an asshole."

"Promise me you're going to make him pay, Atticus. Promise me."

"Oh, I promise. There's no way he's walking away from this. I guarantee you."

Chapter 35


Home sweet home.

Except it didn't feel like home.

Atticus had kept me plastered to his side on the flight.

We flew commercial home so we could go undetected. But the moment we landed, I could feel him tense as his hand tightened around mine.

"We're going to be okay,” I assured him.

"I know. But the moment we're past boarder control and security, just assume we are being watched. But don't worry, Pierce is already here. Rowan too.”

“I just… I don't like being separated from you."

He squeezed my hand. "I know. I don't like it either, but I'll see you tonight."

"Right." My stomach cramped thinking about my new reality. I had him back, but we couldn’t be free.

Just think of all the sneaking around sex.

While that would be hot it was going to stress us out. To give the whole plan more authenticity, I even hired an Uber black instead of grabbing a cab or driving with him.

And neither him or Pierce, or Rowan had liked that plan. But it's what I would do. I'd be perfectly independent.

The car dropped me off at my old apartment, and I grabbed a couple of things that maybe Morgan had missed when she'd come here to pack for me. I had a quick shower and grabbed my stuff, and then frowned as one of the crochet loops fell out of my hair.

I groaned. I had a crochet needle to fix it, but that was going to be annoying. It was packed away in my toiletries, and I had to go.

I grabbed the spare pack of hair from my closet. I'd fix it when I got to the new flat.

My phone buzzed with a text from Gavin.I'm downstairs.

I glanced around my apartment, a space that I loved so much. I still loved the color and the brightness, but there were no traces of Atticus here. None. It felt like maybe a tiny piece of me was missing too.

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