Page 67 of Acquisition

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“It doesn’t matter. As far as I’m concerned, I’m yours until death do us part. You can decide you don’t want me, but I don’t want anyone other than you.” He took my hand and squeezed it gently. “One chance, that's all I'm asking for."

I knew three things. One, that my husband was probably certifiable. Two, that he'd never been this vulnerable with me or probably anyone. And three, I was completely incapable of denying him anything. "One chance."

Chapter 28


I had four days to show Gwen how much I felt for her. Four days to have her give me a real shot. Because I knew the moment we went back to the real world, there would be complications and danger. I needed to make the most of the time we had alone.

Last night I had let her sleep. I hadn't even tried to kiss her. I'd just given her a hug and held her tight, kissing her forehead and basically thanking her for marrying me. And then I had left her to it. I could see the confusion in her eyes, but I wasn't trying to confuse her. I was trying to exercise control. Sure, I could have kissed her, and we would have fallen into bed, and it would have been… God. I kept thinking about our last time in our bed at home. How I'd never, not once, made love to anyone like that in my life.

And that's what it was, making love. It wasn't sex, or hooking up, or fucking.I'd never been that connected to anyone.

What we’d done in her office, twice, that was something else. Something born of desperation. But if I slept with her again now, that would be a mistake. I needed her to see that it was more than her body that I wanted. It was all of her. I wanted everything.

That morning, I woke up with a stiff neck. The birds outside had awakened me. Lord, they were loud. Beautiful, but loud. After taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth, I peeked in on Gwen and saw her sprawled out on the bed. She had the AC in her room going full blast, which was unusual because Gwen was always cold.

I noted that she was huddled under a single blanket. I frowned at that and tiptoed into her bedroom quietly so I wouldn't wake her. I went to turn off the AC and realized that it didn't turn off.

Oh shit, I'd have to get someone to come fix it later. I ran back to my room and grabbed the blankets off my bed and brought them back to lay them over her. She murmured something that sounded vaguely like, 'Thank you,' and a muffled groan. Just as I turned to tiptoe back out, she whispered, "Atticus."

I stopped and turned around, but I realized she was dreaming. A small smile played over her lips as she whispered my name again.

Oh, shit. She was dreaming of me. And well, didn't that just do a whole hell of a lot to my dick.

Forty-five minutes later, Gwen finally woke up and padded into the kitchen. "How long have you been up?" she asked groggily.

I whipped around and grinned at her, pushing a plate of bacon toward her. “A couple of hours.”

Her stomach growled when she looked at it. "Oh my God, I knew I smelled bacon."

She sat down on one of the stools as I turned to finish the French toast.“How long ago was a couple of hours?”

"Since about five-thirty."

"Five-thirty? Is that what time you normally get up? I never seemed to notice."

I nodded. "Yeah, before you moved in, it was usually the time I’d get up to do my workout."

"Right. And when I moved in with you, you stopped your early workouts."

"Only because I wanted to spend time with you before you headed out the door to spend your day with Lance."

She nodded slowly. "And the other times?"

"What other times?"

"You know..."

"No, I don't know. Tell me," I said raising an eyebrow.

"I kept waking up sprawled all over you, and your dick was always up at attention. I figured your morning routine always included some kind of, uh, workout."

I grinned at her. "For my dick?”

She laughed and buried her face in her hands.

“That’s all your fault, Gwen. It happens a lot when you're around. Just you walking in the room will do it."

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