Page 59 of Acquisition

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I glanced around and didn't see her. "Is Liv here?"

"No,” he said sulkily. “She's on a book tour in Spain. With her publicist."

The way he said it piqued my curiosity. "Problem?"

He shook his head. "No, because I'm flying to Spain to surprise her tonight. I was already in Los Angeles dealing with a property issue when Sebastian called, and I figured I'd stop over before heading to Spain to surprise my wife."

I grinned. "And her publicist."

He rocked back on his heels. "And her publicist."

Gwen glanced back and forth between us. "Who is this publicist?"

Ben shrugged and laughed. "Someone who likes looking at my wife's ass. She won't give him the time of the day, obviously. But I'm just going to remind him that she is very much taken."

Gwen laughed. "I'm sure he knows."

He shrugged. "Fine. I just miss her. The house is too quiet when she's not there."

Gwen grinned at that. "Aww, that's sweet."

Ben just shrugged. "She has completely taken over my life, and I love it. Unfortunately, it means that I'm useless without her. But I'm sure you two know all about that."

I wrapped an arm around Gwen, and to her credit, she didn't shake me off. But she was stiff, and I could tell she wasn't exactly thrilled to be there.

Ben just laughed. "Ah, I see."

"Let me guess; East and Bridge are around here somewhere too."

"No, just Bridge and Emma. East is at one of the Dubai properties, so he couldn't make it over quickly enough."

"Right. Well, we appreciate you coming, Ben."

"Anytime.” He shook my hand. “And if there is trouble, obviously, you let us know."

I nodded. "I appreciate it. Will do."

When he left, Gwen slid her gaze to me. "A friend of yours?"

"Sort of." I shrugged. “Close acquaintance might be more accurate."

"Do you actually even know what it's like to have a friend, Atticus?"

"I have friends," I said, rolling my eyes,

"Micah doesn't count."

"Fine. But Gavin and Pierce are my friends."

She sighed. "Do you have other friends who don’t work for you? Everyone needs more than two, right?"

I shook my head. "Not really. And I guess I would consider Ben a friend. He just has a complicated history and position, so I always have to be aware of that when dealing with him."

She cocked her head. "Complicated position?"

"Let's just say there are things we can't talk about related to him."

Her eyes narrowed at me. "Oh my God, is he a spy?"

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